Quick Revival

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Guides and Help' started by Phoenix, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    Since I'm an expert on dying in EU, I want to post a tip on how to revive quickly after dying. Maybe some of you already know it.
    It seems like many people wait for the revive screen to appear and press "yes" to revive. Well as soon as you die you can press "T" and then press "yes" to revive without waiting for the revive screen to appear.
    Here is sth funny you can do as well. As soon as you die, "say ty" (press "T" and "Y") to the monster that killed you and you will be revived. :D

    P.S. If you didn't understand sth plz tell me since my English are not perfect. #-o
    • Like Like x 5
  2. Nice guide Phoenix!
  3. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Nice one, thanks Phoenix. :)
  4. cheers pheonix, i usually just furiously click my mouse button whilst screaming at the screen
  5. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Well... yes, that is another method to get to the revive terminal. :evil:

    hehehe :D
  6. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Nice tip. I am sure I will have occasion to use it very soon. LOL. And remember Phoenix, we all have to be good at something. :D
  7. Good tip Phoenix , i use it often when i´m not to concerned from dieing :Nurse:
  8. I really like the (T)hank (Y)ou to the mob when I got slaugthered {bow}

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