Received an e-mail

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by ChelaBias, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. From Plane Calypso, part of it was:-

    "We noticed that you haven't been logged in to Entropia Unvierse for a time now and we don't want you to miss the opportunity of being a continouos part of our virtual community."

    It goes on to tell me my User Name etc. I was quite surprised as it was only about three weeks ago I last logged in! I have received this kind of thing before but it was after six months of not playing, maybe a year if memory serves me correctly.

    Just wondering if anyone else got one? Are they getting desperate?

    The reason I have not been on line is a dead motherboard, this has been resolved but I have since had to reinstall windows etc. as it didn't like it. I did get EU installed last night but was too late to login for me and my machine is being saturated with windows updates.
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  2. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    Sounds like a scam to me!

    What was the address it came for?

    And please tell me you didnt respond to it :)
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  3. Sounds fishy but if there was no attempt to get you to do a login via a link or whatever I can't see what there would be to gain? Unless it's social engineering and there is someone sending a lot of harmless looking mail, before sending something more malicious?
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  4. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    The email address looks like the real deal. If it didnt ask for any info or link you somewhere, I'd say its really from FPC
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  5. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Scam letters come in all shapes and sizes and unless you have a program that tells you just exactly where an email originates there is almost no way of knowing if it is good or not. If, however, they sent you your login details then this in itself could be a potential problem. Emails can be misrouted or address changed so a great potention for someone else to be getting your login info.

    There is only one way to be sure. One, never click a link in an email no matter who it is from. Two, if you think it is possible that it is a scam then a support case should be filed with the enclosed email. This way they have a chance to stop it. Especially with a game that deals in REAL MONEY.

    Better to be safe then sorry.
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  6. There was a link for me to "reset" my password and they did quote my correct login name. I did not click the link. I was just wondering if PC were fishing for business rather than it being a scam but I guess I should raise a ticket to be sure. I was curious if anyone else had received such a mail but I guess not.
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  7. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    That sounds really fishy. Can you post the email here entirely, would make it easier. Remove your account info etc of course
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  8. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Today I got one of the same emails from Mindark. I DO have a program which gives me details on where things actually come from and the route taken. The email does come from a designated IP address assigned to Mindark, but still would not click on a line lol.
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  9. How long has it been since you logged in Bunny?
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  10. Mmmm- this is very strange. Is that email address legitimate? planetcalypso@entropiauniverse seems not right to me. Seeing as FPC would surely use something like '' or even something like ''. SDS - See Digital Studios recently acquired FPC alhtough FPC still does the admin and support for Calypso; as I understand it anyway.

    Other odd things have been happenning as well. For instance, I couldn't see my account info for days - everything was just comming up blank. The pages were showing, but no info on them. I since logged a support case, and that issue is no resolved. Apparantly FPC were having some website issues...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 1, 2011
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  11. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Just about two weeks since I last logged in. Maybe they are getting desperate. The economy is hurting them I am sure.
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  12. I think they are. They're getting desperate bacause of the situation that has developed over recent years. You've had quest this; quest that, mission this; mission that which is really just a clever way of dressing up the fact that you will be spending heap loads on ammo, repairs, etc, for the same minimal returns that you would get if you hunted, mined, etc, solo. All that has to happen, is that the loot distribution is made more equall or more even, then ppl would start to believe in EU again...
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  13. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Since when?Who, specifically?What happened to quest this; quest that mission this; mission that which is a clever way of dressing up the fact that you will be spending heap loads on ammo repairs for the same minimal returns that you would get if you hunted mined solo.Once more? Not all of them?
  14. Yes, that's it. That's exactly what I meant :D
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  15. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    AMEN !!!! He sees the light lol
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  16. LOL! I think maybe I put enough 'quests' and 'missions in that sentence to confuse any mortal robot :D.
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  17. They sent me it again! They must be desperate! After getting my PC working again I did pay a visit had a little hunt that did not go particulalrly well then visited Twin Peaks, quite a few people standing about but very few trade chats, could have been the time of day, might give it another go this evening just to check.
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  18. Got such an email too after 14days vacation , really fast, never happened before.
    here the original-text :
    Hi Roger,
    We noticed that you haven't been logged in to Entropia Universe for a time now and we don't want you to miss the opportunity of being a continuous part of our virtual community.
    Your username is removed_for_privacy and if you have forgotten your password, you can set a new one by following this link:
    Should you experience any technical difficulties logging in to Entropia Universe, please search the Knowledge Base - FAQ or contact the Entropia Universe Support Department at
    Note: You will receive this email even if you have opted for not receiving emails from Entropia Universe.
    Kind regards,
    Entropia Universe &
    i notice missing text after the & in the last line.
    so i better not click on the link for at least two reasons
    - i dont have forgotten my password
    - i dont miss the opportunity of being a continuous part of our virtual community anymore ;)
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  19. Anna

    Anna Master of the Universe

    While my PC was dead i got the email too. I wasnt away for more then 2 weeks at that time
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