Return from Greece

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Kitten, Mar 23, 2011.

  1. Little warning for all when you eventually go time traveling the return trip is as simple as going to a TP and clicking your way back to CND. HOWEVER there is no warning or verify message you just go back BOOM done then you cant go back till you have more time crystals.

    So don't click it to check fee's or anything because there is none and you will end up back to the future.

    First thing when you arrive back don't forget to put your mindforce implant back in your head because it comes out when you go back in time and you will end up trying to use teleport chip and not having an implant socket in your head hehehe
  2. Glad your back. :)
  3. red


    welcome back.

    it's too bad you have to pay to reinsert the implant. it's not like you could use it anyways, if all the chips were disabled. someone should probably look at that.
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