Rogue-like games

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by Dab, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. Dab


    For those familiar with these type of games, you may not have seen this one.

    Linley's dungeon crawl. A bit harder than Nethack but less complex, no Polypiling and no selling items to shops. Much larger levels and lots of sublevels off the main dungeon, mob AI is better.


    For those who've never played roguelike games, they are basically a single-player, very non-graphical version of fantasy games.

    Lots of variations and modified versions of the game out there.

    It may look simple, but it is fairly complex and freeware.

    Download for latest version of Nethack.

    Easy to get addicted to.

    Edit: the link that shows up as a picture??? is the wikipedia article on Nethack.
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