Rules concerning Entropia based art

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by nexus7, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. Thanks;) I have some EU art ideas, but I'll prob have to get MA's take on it... It will be worth a try.
  2. As far as I know (heard from others and searched on the web) The images you upload as art will become propperty of MA.
    And if you want to upload you art you have to have an appartment, monitors to display them on. And also you need a chip or something you have to ask MA for to upload your art. Probably also with a price on it.
    When i saw the total some of costs a while ago I stopt my idea of getting my own stuff ingame. Maybe when i get rich from a insane grand loot I'll re-think that idea.

    Hope I haven't said stuff twice or discuraged you anyway. but keep in mind what costs there are and When it's ingame Post it so we can all come and see. and maybe get some great artwork for our collection.

    Good luck
  3. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    That might not be very far off.OK, I will upload you art you have to have an appartment monitors to display them on.Doesn't everyone have a
    chip or something you have to ask MA for to upload your art.
    I have
    a plan for a robot body. You seem uncertain. You and your a price on it.What did it look like to you?Perhaps. Where did you get it?In any case, Why do you hope for he or she have not said stuff twice or discuraged youAnd.
    Chat amongst yourselves.Perhaps. Where can I get some great artwork for our collection?Good luck to you too .
  4. Talkerbot you ask too many questions.
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