Sacred Boar

Discussion in 'Next Island community' started by CodeMonkey, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
  2. Those things take forever to take down! But chances of global is higher.
  3. ye they have 20k+ hp i think.
    And things that i would call out of the ordinary i have looted from them so far is ESIĀ“s and Eyeshadow (medium purple) and Eyeshadow (slate grey). wonder what other things they can drop, maybe weapons soon :)


    PS: and noob clubs L ofcourse :)
  4. Very expencive to hunt. Loot might be as low as 10 ped which is less than 10% of tt ammo needed....
    I guess unless you are going to hunt for a few thousand ped of ammo, the average return is not your best friend. So its a lottery for those who kill only like 3 or 5 of them...
  5. have these moved spawn or have they completely stoped spawning? there is no one anymore
  6. I found on my setup ( a simple apis and beast) it costs roughly 65 ped to take one down SOLO (total cost). Although easy, does take time, and loot can be frustrating. Eco wise, team can be a smart choice IMO.

    Although, in my experience, about 50% is a global. But even that doesnt always cover costs of hunt. 65 ped to kill and a 50 ped global = no profits.
  7. well the theme of this planet is definately team hunting, and i beleive there is no error in the size of the HP of the mobs.

    we will all have to work together to hunt, and to solve the mysterys that are presented before us.
  8. Definately fun! Now only to find them again. I convinced a couple soc mates to come up and join in on the fun, and they must have "moved"
    *I HOPE*
  9. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Anyone know if these are still around? My soc is comming to the Island this weekend and they sound like a fun soc hunting mob.

  10. After reading this thread, i decided on going for a little scouting. So far, i haven't spotted any Sacred Boar. There are lots and lots of Mountain and Wild Boars (from Young to Old Alphas).

    Staying alive on your own over there is pretty hard :)
    Perhaps there is a spawn but i was, many times, too dead to see it lol. :o

    I'm still around that area. Maybe i'll get lucky and see one for a few seconds :D

  11. How much damage do they do if you are unarmed, or if you use pixie? And how fast do they regenerate hp? Could you kill them with opalo without losing 50 ped on enemy hp regeneration?
    If they do extreamly low damage on pixie (less than 5 per hit) and have no or extremly low hp regen im gonna deposit 100 ped and opalo one of them to death :)
  12. using the opalo just doesnt seem like a good idea. You would be shooting for 45 mins!
  13. i meant "unarmored" in my previous post, not unarmed :) lol

    and yes i know i would be shooting for a very, very long time, but if they do really low damage and have no health regeneration i wouldnt pay more than others to kill one, and i would hopefully get some mad skills :D

    and i would probably be the first avatar to say "i killed a sacred boar with my opalo" :)
  14. - La -

    - La - Via Dolorosa

    Sorry to let you down jellyfish in your "goal" to be the first to kill a Sacred boar with an opalo...

    ...killed a lot of em with an opalo SGA, takes 44 minutes to be exact. I need to heal myself 4-5 times during that period depending on crits. I use Goblin + 1A. It costs about 66 PED unamped for the mid leaser cells and 11 PEDs for the armor....give n take for a few peds. But well, I got 2 over 500 PED and an Uber too.... uploading pic on that on...

    I'll hope they come back...perfect mob when you're cooking or putting the kids to bed :)

  15. awww..... but hey, wait, thats sga, you didnt do it with the regular one? :)
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