i have been on Next Island like 2 weeks, and i have collected some crystals. I have storage em, for future Selling or needs. Heres a list with the crystals i have for sell / trade. Please PM me with offers, and we can discuss. 1. Calcedony Crystal 690 units and TT = 690 ped 2. Citrine Crystal 3520 units and TT = 246.4 ped 3. Ulexite Crystal 192 units and TT = 11.52 ped 4. Celestite Stone 4832 units and TT = 144.96 ped 5. Hemimorphite Crystal 63 units and TT = 1.26 ped 6. Aragonite Crystal 347 units and TT = 3.47 ped 7. Zincite Crystal 1112 units and TT = 11.12 ped 8. Purpurite Crystal 212 units and TT = 12.72 ped 9. Rhodonite Crystal 1782 units and TT = 71.28 ped 10. Labradorite Crystal 2028 units and TT = 40.56 ped 11. Azurite Crystal 1486 units and TT = 44.67 ped 12. Cerussite Crystal 2706 units and TT = 108.24 ped 13. Bustamite Crystal 1249 units and TT = 37.47 ped 14. Anhydrite Crystal 31 units and TT = 1.24 ped 15. Atacamite Crystal 78 units and TT = 0.78 ped 16. Atlantasite Crystal 1914 units and TT = 19.14 ped 17. Adamite Crystal 284 units and TT = 227.2 ped 18. Howlite Crystal 236 units and TT = 11.8 ped 19. Tiger`s Eye 106 units and TT = 8.48 ped 20. Eudialyte Crystal 2956 units and TT = 29.56 ped 21. Chrysoberyl Crystal 623 units and TT = 24.92 ped 22. Bronzite Crystal 374 units and TT = 18.70 ped 23. Okenite Crystal 1358 units and TT = 40.74 ped 24. Zoisite Crystal 243 units and TT = 14.58 ped 25. Agate Crystal 286 units and TT = 11.44 ped 26. Fluorite Crystal 1279 units and TT = 38.37 ped 27. Barite Crystal 1741 units and TT = 121.84 ped 28. Chlorite Crystal 1630 units and TT = 65.20 ped 29. Azezulite Crystal 294 units and TT = 11.76 ped 30. Tanzanite Crystal 35 units and TT = 0.35 ped 31. Ammolite Crystal 284 units and TT = 198.80 ped 32. Beryl Crystal 141 units and TT = 11.28 ped 33. Danburite Crystal 3875 units and TT = 38.75 ped 34. Aegirine Crystal 1762 units and TT = 35.24 ped 35. Selenite Crystal 132 units and TT = 2.64 ped 36. Quartz 3 units and TT = 0.06 ped 37. Vanadinite Crystal 142 units and TT = 8.52 ped 38. Lepidocrosite Crystal 237 units and TT = 4.74 ped 39. Thulite Crystal 58 units and TT = 0.58 ped 40. Hyalite Crystal 4 units and TT = 0.32 ped 41. Epidote Crystal 3418 units and TT = 68.36 ped 42. Adventurine Crystal 1 unit and TT = 0.15 ped 43. Bloodstone Crystal 96 units and TT = 8.64 ped 44. Amber Crystal 225 units and TT = 2.25 ped 45. Sodalite Crystal 530 units and TT = 15.90 ped 46. Charoite Crystal 43 units and TT = 86 ped 47. Youngite Crystal 430 units and TT = 17.20 ped 48. Angelite Crystal 60.30 units and TT = 60.30 ped 49. Obsidian Crystal 693 units and TT = 34.65 ped 50. Apatite Crystal 24 units and TT = 0.72 ped 51. Novaculite Crystal 550 units and TT = 11.00 ped 52. Kunzite Crystal 1216 units and TT = 12.16 ped 53. Amethyst Crystal 36 units and TT = 0.72 ped 54. Cat's Eye Crystal 1296 units and TT = 51.84 ped 55. Moldavite Crystal 1146 units and TT = 11.46 ped 56. Peridot Crystal 94 units and TT = 1.88 ped 57. Elysian Power Sphere 53 units and TT = 2.65 ped 58. Phenacite Crystal 34 units and TT = 0.68 ped 59. Hematite Crystal 4790 units and TT = 47.90 ped