Shop owners or investors

Discussion in 'Professions and Skills' started by Lerp, May 8, 2011.

  1. Lerp

    Lerp blind combantant

    The idea goes as follows.

    I would like a chain of outlets in other players shops.
    This chain is to sell specialty TT items.
    The same weapons and tools you would find in the TT on that world.
    What makes our special is the time they save.
    Our farmers have searched far and wide and found TT weapons and Tool thats have added enhancer stats.
    When they see our adds or one of our signs.
    They will know that our outlets have some of the highest growth rates for that tool in the game.
    Over time I hope to repurchase any TT tool or weapon and retrun them to the shelfs.

    The mark up for our TT items and tools. 2 peds each.
    Its a small price to pay knowing that the proven stats will help your weapon and yes you grow faster as an avatar.

    Its a fair deal. One part to the shop owner and one to the farmer and and the advertisement we need to pay for and cost of operations. It is hoped in time with the cooperation of others we may be able to offer off world items in the same TT line.

    Thank you for you time.
    If you have any intrest in this please contact me as soon as you can.

    You will find us under the yellow sign in a shop near you.
    Opening 08-2011
  2. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Master Of Entropia

    I dont want to piss in your dreams, but don't tiered TT items cost more to tier them than what you can sell them after that?
    If I understand your idea.
  3. Lerp

    Lerp blind combantant

    There are many items in game that are not as cost effective as some other items.
    Some players never touch enhancer or scopes or lasers. Others want to use them all. Some players will try and idea for a short time
    and then move on to another idea. Ive allways wanted to try an opalo with all crit enhancers.
    Point is players do try them and do use them. Just in trying them out there is peds to be made.

    As per your question. Yes it is costly to bring up a weapon or tools open slots.
    I dont plan to open any slots.
    At the outset our network will offer only weapons and tools that have the capacity to grow and open quicker as the player uses them. Faster then the average TT weapon or tool.
    Our weapons and tools are just a bit better in stats then what you find in average at the TT.

    Over time I will repurchase the items we sell and they will come back a bit stronger then they left. Or items just like them.
    I dont plan to sell any enhancers. That is up to the shop owner unless he request we provide them.
  4. Lerp

    Lerp blind combantant

  5. Lerp

    Lerp blind combantant

    A strarter kit will contain
    1) add sign with company logo.
    2)Set of TT Fast Growing tools.

    All TT items will be sold for +2 peds.
    Shop owner will retain 1 ped from any purchase
    Shop owner to retrun TT amount of sale+1 ped.
    Shop owner recieves replacement of said item.

    Starter kits are free of charge.
    For now dont fret over anything. Just put the kit in and when something sells send me a PM in or out of game and Ill give you another of the same item. Its that easy. No charts or graphs. Dont think anything will sell. Thats ok. After a good network is in place It will be handed over to a good group of players to make it work. Are you in?

    If you feel like purchaseing a Starter kit. This is a welcome option.
    As I must pay for the starter kits the idea will be slow in growing and I risk the shop owner just TT everything and remove me from friends list.
    So if you can afford a starter kit That is great. The kit will cost no more then Its TT value. No risk to the investore.
    Or as its my idea. Ill take a risk and hand out the starter kits if needed.

    Fun. Ill enjoy working on this project.
    The sky is said to be clear and sunny for me.
  6. Lerp

    Lerp blind combantant

    In order to help get players to your shop door.
    The company will start a campaign of in and out of game advertisement.
    In hard and soft medium. Basic small item point kits.
  7. Lerp

    Lerp blind combantant

    Has allowed me to place a basic 10 point kit in her booth.
    It is in advance of the launch date. Its location can be seen at her uploaded photos.

    The advertisement is slow going. I have yet to contract with anyone to help me in this.
    I have only asked one and its just a day ago.
    It did make me think I may have to do the add footwork myself.
    This would involve contacting each of the major forums and paying for an add spot..
    It would also take design of such adds or headers.
    It would take questions into raido adds and printed adds.
    I could not even make a real link to Mastermesh photos. I will not be able to produce the adds myself.
    Untill I get the adds in production I will not take the next step of contacting a group of shop owner via PM.

    Today I do the foot work for the forum headers.
    I will contact them and pick a date.
    The date will have to match the release of the printed add here with EP.
    So I need to check on that date and send request pm to Lykke and pay for the page add.
    (this is my works thread now. It is to help me move forword and update invested partys.
    It is not inteneded as a promotion for the FGT outlet chain.)
  8. Lerp

    Lerp blind combantant

  9. Here's the images... I might take more screenies later. As the images show these do look like some fast tier items.






    The booth is in the Delta Tower at Omegaton West Habitat. That's the building that's just down the stairs from the TP and just up the hill from the auction house on the way to the TP.

    The booth is inside of the building on the wing that's closest to the entrance near the auction house. Sorry the 10th item isn't in the booth at the moment, but the booth only has 10 item slots and I hade to use one on the sign. It's available too in p2p trades or if you have a special request for it shoot me a pm on pcf forum and I'll drop it in the booth.
  10. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Master Of Entropia

    I can give you a table in my shop in Emerald Lakes MAll, but I doubt there will be alot of sales.
    In the war between MA and shop owners I must take side and fight till the last trader is still alive.
  11. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Master Of Entropia

    Good. I hope everything is ready before Arkadia launches because I will travel there to see what it is like.
  12. Lerp

    Lerp blind combantant

    I removed the post inbetween yours Axe. The map was all wrong. I need a planet map with little box highlights in in little boxes with pointers to location on the surface.. Ok I will get the kit to you. I will go and request it now. I willl at some point need to change the sign because i have asked a group of players to work on it an the image broadcast. What i am doing is just an outline, that includes the ingame sign. When we do launch Ill need change signs with you as they will have a new one for me.
    I will be on my way now ingame. pm soon.

    On average we have stuff that will gain in value quicker then then the TT.
    We like our stuff enough to have plans to repurchase items we have sold in the past and resell them again. They just get better with age.
  13. Lerp

    Lerp blind combantant

    I have to go for 80 days. They wont let us have communications on base.
    No I dont work for the goverment. Ill be in San Diego.
    This will have to wait.
  14. some estates are acting funky again.
  15. Lerp

    Lerp blind combantant

    yea they still building the game. Hard to believe so many years into this and it feels like we are just starting.

    I have good news today. A player who I have sent mail with has agreed to help me in this cause of mine.
    He does not care if it is worth it or not for me he is happy to have the work. That works for me.
    Just his attetion in this is a good thing for us all.
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