Skills listing

Discussion in 'Professions and Skills' started by Burgerman, Jan 5, 2007.

  1. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    Here are mine. Slow down in progress lol

    Health : 145
    Total Attribute Value : 217
    Total General: 19193
    Total Combat: 47732
    Total Defence: 2994
    Total Medical: 8398
    Total Science: 7804
    Total Information: 2180
    Total Mining: 21625
    Total Construction: 16689
    Total Tailoring: 858
    Total Mindforce: 3075
    Total Beauty: 4
    Total Level Value (No Attributes) : 130552
    Total Level Value (No Health) : 130769
    Total Level Value : 130914

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2007
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  2. Will have to do another count. It's been awile since my last. Great skills btw, pretty impressive :)
    • Like Like x 9
  3. Ahh Burger u have passed me in both total and health now! How rude :).

    Ohh well i will blaim it on that i have mainly been mining lately and of that reason is a lil low on hunt skill gains:)
    • Like Like x 9
  4. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Perhaps in hunting skills, but never in mining. :)
    But I think Bunny might be hot on your heels in mining skill. :hehe:
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  5. Red Sonia

    Red Sonia Rouge Lady

    I hit 45k... yipee ;-)

    Attributes 269
    Beauty 4
    Combat 22152
    Defense 1116
    General 5307
    Information 154
    Medical 4355
    Mindforce 315
    Mining 4077
    Science 1323
    Tailoring 162
    Total 45125

    Also details of rise over time (sad ex-accountant who misses playing with Excel... (but hates Office 2007 - perfect example of microsoft mending things that were fine!)

    View attachment 2239

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 29, 2007
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  6. Kets

    Kets Cranky Old EuC Reporter

    Attributes : 82 Health 96
    Beauty : 4
    Combat : 2214
    Construction : 2155
    Defense : 287
    General : 1562
    Information : 6
    Medical : 1952
    Mindforce : 306
    Mining : 4041
    Science : 554
    Tailoring : 7

    Total : 23785 :-({|=
    • Like Like x 16
  7. Thought it would be a good time to check the skills again.

    Attributes: 178 (HP: 97)
    General: 2407
    Combat: 9049
    Defense: 539
    Medical: 3126
    Science: 134
    Information: 294
    Mining: 6
    Construction: 3350
    Tailoring: 4
    Mindforce: 308
    Beauty: 4

    Total: 19399
    • Like Like x 16
  8. Skills 2007-12-03

    Health : 162
    Total Attribute Value : 202
    Total General: 26411
    Total Combat: 57844
    Total Defence: 5628
    Total Medical: 14462
    Total Science: 5865
    Total Information: 623
    Total Mining: 27354
    Total Construction: 18153
    Total Tailoring: 307
    Total Mindforce: 1085
    Total Beauty: 4

    Total skills, no health or attributes; 157736
    • Like Like x 14
  9. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    I took my pre-VU pictures so thought I would post the updated skills while I was at it. :D

    Health : 146
    Total Attribute Value : 219
    Total General: 19520
    Total Combat: 48040
    Total Defence: 3021
    Total Medical: 8476
    Total Science: 7891
    Total Information: 2180
    Total Mining: 21881
    Total Construction: 16941
    Total Tailoring: 865
    Total Mindforce: 3743
    Total Beauty: 4
    Total Error o_O: 3026
    Total Level Value (No Attributes) : 135588
    Total Level Value (No Health) : 135807
    Total Level Value : 135953
    • Like Like x 15
  10. Started out the new year on Calypso with a new skill check:

    Attributes: 189 (HP: 100)
    General: 3242
    Combat: 11782
    Defense: 680
    Medical: 4072
    Science: 161
    Information: 321
    Mining: 36
    Construction: 3908
    Tailoring: 5
    Mindforce: 310
    Beauty: 4

    Total: 24710
    • Like Like x 11
  11. Seems like a good idea for the new year...

    Attributes: 129 (HP: 102)
    Tailoring: 5
    Combat: 10208
    Construction: 1808
    Defense: 1076
    General: 3831
    Information: 375
    Medical: 3039
    Mining: 912
    Science: 343
    Mindforce: 819
    Beauty: 4

    Total: 22651
    • Like Like x 18
  12. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    9/1/2008 Update on Skills (it's been some time):

    • Health: 94
    • Attributes: 117 (without Health)
    • Tailoring: 5
    • Combat: 2894
    • Construction: 380
    • Defense: 334
    • General: 1159
    • Information: 11
    • Medical: 1139
    • Mining: 22
    • Science: 12
    • Mindforce: 399
    • Beauty: 4
    Total Value: 6474 :-) (not counting Health)
    • Like Like x 13
  13. woohoo, reached 60k including health (health is 113):D

    Attributes : 286
    General : 7449
    Combat: 28168
    Defense : 1826
    Medical: 5754
    Science: 894
    Information : 6
    Mining : 6645
    Construction: 8598
    Tailoring: 496
    Mindforce: 589
    Beauty: 4

    Total 60715
    • Like Like x 14
  14. Kets

    Kets Cranky Old EuC Reporter

    January 24, 2008

    Just thought I'd update my numbers..

    New Skills update:

    ATTRIB: 92 ( Health - 99)
    TAILOR: 20
    COMBAT: 7963
    CONSTR: 2799
    DEFENS: 388
    GENERA: 2113
    INFORM: 32
    MEDICA: 2787
    MINING: 5664
    SCIENC: 823
    MINDFO: 345
    BEAUTY: 4

    TOTAL: 23,030
    • Like Like x 13
  15. Ludde

    Ludde HOF HUNTER

    A small update

    Attributes: 291 (health 132)
    Tailor: 5
    Combat: 35324
    Construct: 6687
    Defence: 6960
    General: 22673
    Info: 747
    Medical: 5879
    Mining: 2812
    Sience: 816
    Mindforce: 45
    Beauty: 4

    TOTAL: 82244
    • Like Like x 15
  16. Bunny

    Bunny Vampire Bunny Inc.

    It has been awhile since I posted skills so here they are.

    Health: 147
    Total Atribute Value: 220 (No Health)
    Total Tailoring: 946
    Total Combat: 48879
    Total Construction: 17520
    Total Defence: 3083
    Total General: 20221
    Total Information: 2180
    Total Medical: 8917
    Total Mining: 25972
    Total Science: 8058
    Total Mindforce: 4143
    Total Beauty: 4
    Total Level Value (No Attributes): 140070
    Total Level Value (No Health): 140290
    Total Level Value: 140437
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2008
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  17. Done the manual calc , so i can also post something :)

    Total Attributes Skills: 331
    Health : 133
    Total Genral Skills: 16.075
    Total Combat Skills: 45.541
    Total Defence Skills: 2.536
    Total Medical Skills: 8.664
    Total Science Skills: 11.930
    Total Information Skills: 5.036
    Total Mining Skills: 15.674
    Total Construction Skills: 14.889
    Total Tailoring Skills: 473
    Total Mindforce Skills: 1.370
    Total Beauty Skills: 4

    Total skills 122.523
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  18. I'm done depositing for a while, so my stats probably won't change much from these. I added total amount deposited and total inventory value, just because i'm curious about how it compares to others that might remember how much they've put in and not mind sharing.

    Deposited: 650 USD

    Inventory value calculated with
    TT value: 892
    Market value: 1225

    Skill value calculated with
    Market value: 2037

    Since I havn't chipped anything in, I think it's easy to see that it's far cheaper to chip skills in than it is to actually earn them.

    attributes: 251 (health 106)
    tailoring: 5
    combat: 15805
    construction: 2963
    defense: 1359
    general: 5352
    information: 382
    medical: 4230
    mining: 10
    science: 261
    mindforce: 875
    beauty: 4

    Total: 31497
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  19. Thanks Freddy, that's interesting to see indeed!
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  20. Next skill check:

    Attributes: 195 (HP: 101)
    General: 3805
    Combat: 14542
    Defense: 880
    Medical: 4459
    Science: 183
    Information: 354
    Mining: 36
    Construction: 4243
    Tailoring: 5
    Mindforce: 323
    Beauty: 4

    Total: 29029

    After reading Freddy's last post I wanted to check the value of my skills as well:

    Skill value calculated with
    Skill chip market value: 2780 PED
    ESI chip market value: 1184 PED
    Skills - ESI: 1596 PED

    Had no time to check through all my belongings, but my guess is that I have got 1000-1500 PED (including PED balance on the card) in market value.

    I have deposited once, last June about two weeks after I started playing: 600 PED
    So this check made me quite satisfied :ok:
    • Like Like x 14
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