Some findings

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by EP-Info, Dec 8, 2010.

  1. the reason i brought up the EULA part was to try and see if particular subject matter can be confined to just constructive critisism and not neverdie bashing by people who have a neverdie complex.

    hane made a post on a PCF thread and there after SHE was getting talked back to or bashed by the crowd that spoke in that thread and i beleive that should not be taken lightly and possible being banned or suspended from the game for such treatment toward game employees or planet partners.

    but i dont know law, and i cant really do anything about it my self, its up to neverdie, FPC, and MA to deal with this and do right to the wrong that has been done.

    i dont think i will be talking about this any more since i want this subject matter to die off and go back to being a fun forum again.

  2. Heh! The games released! This forum, much like other forums, will become less and less fun as folks who are interested in the games progress and social development get outnumbered by those who are interested in posturing and sounding cool to their friends. At that point I'll probably end up getting frustrated and asking for my account to be cancelled. I have a history of this.

    Until then, no hard feelings I understand you were making a point and on the level of NEVERDIE bashing I agree with you. NEVERDIE's business is his own to carry out how he chooses. The rest of the discussion is pretty much a matter of personal taste.
  3. Wow! Very interesting.
  4. since this thread is dredged up, IMO yeah a lot of Neverdie is a bit goofy, and the incessant streaming current Earth music does take away from the experience (those must be some powerfully tiered and amped speakers in the clubhouse, is all I'm saying) but landscape and creaturewise, it's a hunting ground like any other. When I was going around gathering teleports, even as a newbie/lowbie I enjoyed Buccaneer Skeletons at Mount Pele as a welcome low level hunting relief from an endless diet of monkeys and boars. Plus, there are gaping holes in the loot tables and maturity stats for a lot of stuff found on ND, so any civic minded person with a scanner can help complete the record. I hunted the Buccaneers for maybe an hour or so, and found 7 maturities I could supplement the listed data, and 7 loots not on the table.

    Next Island, including Neverdie, is really under-documented compared to places like Calypso where everything has been hunted by thousands of people and the record is fairly complete. Next Island offers the chance to be an explorer, and to play a part in building the shared understanding of the place. And the more people find more complete information on things in places like Entropedia about Next Island, the less likely they are to throw up their hands in frustration and emigrate to the older planets.

    So you want to see Next Island thrive? Get to work. And goofy or not, Neverdie is part of Next Island. You can swim there, you know. No sharks between the land masses. I didn't have a Sleipnir when I swam over and got Ravers Beach TP. Go get wet.
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