Some pictures taken from r/c plane

Discussion in 'Life, the Universe and Everything' started by Mora, Aug 12, 2007.

  1. Heheh, that's funny how the engine sounds bigger than it is. It is nothing but stock motor and sounds like a bee.

    I'm always aware that it might crash, I've already taken one nose down-dive from 50m but luckily only motors down-gearing broke. Fixing took 20 seconds. Rough landings are common when running low on battery but if something breaks it's the propeller. I'm worried more about camera than my plane.

    Glad you liked it.
  2. Great flying Mora - very nice vid.
    I kept expecting a home video clip show ending where you see the plane rushing toward something and then static! I obviously watch too much TV.
    • Like Like x 2
  3. Nice vid Mora ;) And really nice flight :mrgreen:

    You were the one with the white trousers and the black t shirt?:D
    Brrr in the last min it seems that it would crash ;-P but you controled it ;)
    Tell me sth m8s isnt Finland awesome? Full of trees and some houses here and there...:( I want to go there sometime...

    Gratz Mora ;)
  4. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Thank you for your kindness.What is DBrrr in the last min it seems that it would crash ;-P but you controled it smileTell him or her sth m8s?
    How much.What is stopping you?
    :-) Tell me a story.

  5. I already told you 2 want also a third one...? :hehe:
  6. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Ooops I sent you the wrong question. As Bertrand Russel said, it must have taken ages for people to realize that a brace of pheasants
    and a couple of days are both instances of the number "two."Do not presume that you know what I want.I'm happy you're amused.
  7. Heheh, actually I have one clip where the landing doesn't go as it is supposed to. Wind drags plane to nearby bush when wheels are supposed to touch ground.

    Yes, I'm the one with black t-shirt standing there with controller. Last minute "almost crash" isn't anywhere near crash, you can see a guy with bicycle moving towards the plane at the end of the clip. He stopped by and asked if I could fly near him so he could see the plane. So I did and it looks like I'm going to land but someone with a bike is on my way and plane pulls up.
    • Like Like x 2
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