OK, second attempt to post this, I've saved some money by working a lot on machinima and artwork involving EU- machinima is free and a favourite hobby. I have posted this on Youtube and elsewhere, would appreciate folks' opinions/constructive comments. A few minutes of fully editted footage takes me hours, I'm not that practised. Best viewed full screen. > These are some of the images I've been making for wallpapers... Cheers, Boo. p.s. this is just a bit of fun, this clip -> >
The apartment was sold within 15 minutes of posting the first clip to youtube. Which seems fairly +VE :) But, I'm planning a party, (hush, hush for now;) which may or may not be happening - depending on whether or not I can sort out a DJ etc. Boo.
Party has been put on hold for now -> various reasons. No DJ, difficulty in advertising, sold my apartment (x3 times lol) etc. It has never been mentioned except on EU-Chronicles and I am planning to hold it eventually. Just need some collaboration with an EU DJ.
This is a bit late I know, but really interesting Boo - thanks for sharing. Didn't know much about machinima, but seems like it's a good hobby to have.:)