Star Citizen [WIP] Review, development direction & progress

Discussion in 'Other games and gaming' started by Viperstrike, Mar 29, 2014.

  1. Jamira

    Jamira Samurai Girl

    Impressive pictures. But really boring for me. What is it good for? And always first person - or? Lame!
  2. Space opera in single player, space adventures in MMO, intense PvP combat (ships, on foot). This is First Person universe, but it will have third person look (without hud).
  3. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    OK.... now they have my attention... briefly, until I remember that this isn't real yet and still only a video/demo. Wake me when it is released though. This is finally starting to remind me of how imagined Calypso (in my mind) in those early days.

  4. dalewj

    dalewj StoryTeller/Nerd/Gamer

    Ya that does get one going doesn't it. They think Q1 2017? To that's Q1 2018 at the rate they are going. Think I might try the free demo thingy
  5. Norbert

    Norbert Cartoon Head

    Not checked out SC yet but have to admit looks really nice..

    Damn need more gaming hours :D
  6. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Yeh I can't imagine it will be 2017. They are having too much fun selling pretty spaceships to gullible fools to stop yet! :D
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