Stats tool

Discussion in 'Professions and Skills' started by itto, May 28, 2008.

  1. the old PEStats application seems dead nower days, only supporting vu7.2
    Is there any other tool that have succeeded it or are we back to manual labour again?
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  2. Kets

    Kets Cranky Old EuC Reporter

    What is the effect of running EU with Windows 2000 compatibility on? This product requires that for XP and Vista systems.
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  3. Bloodstar

    Bloodstar Missing You

    That is a nice mining tool! Records various findings and what not. But at the moment it´s definitely still in a beta stage even though it has been released. If you are a PE junky it´s nice to have but it´s nowhere near PEAss...

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  4. I think since MA changed the skillscreendisplay every now and then there is also no way to capture the skills with it.
    I´m afraid you have to calc it manually now.
    The part of NRF to track your mining runs is still working i think.
    Hope i´m not wrong here:rolleyes:
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  5. This one works like charm for me:, just make sure you run the latest JRE

    My test was made on WinXP SP3, worked very well. Even got my skills exprted into a CSV file
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  6. it certainly does :D
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