Stickynote - open for service

Discussion in 'Entropia Tools' started by Pirx Danford, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. Hi all,

    some of you have used the helpful tools Carebear provided to us at entropiatools and came to get used to them.

    But now ET is down and Carebear has gone MIA, so instead of moaning about it I decided that this is a challenge to me. We have the technology!

    Visit - you do not need to register to use it.

    The first mission is to provide you with the tools that are lost with ET being down.

    For now I finished a first test version of the inventory calculator and it will tell you the peauction and entropiabay MU values together with a TT summary of course.

    Please tell me which tools you would want to have back next and I will try and see what I can do.
    Also there are bound to be bugs, so feel free to PM me or put a description of them in here.

    Mission Completion Overview
    • get an overview of all tools that were on entropiatools - finished
    • inventory calculator - test version live
    • inventory comparison - n/a
    • skill calculator (manual) - n/a
    • skill calculator (CSV) - n/a
    • skill calculator (entropedia) - n/a
    • skill chip estimation - just copy&paste from the old data
    • weapon comparison - n/a (will be next)
    • mining points - n/a (does anyone need this?)

    The list above will be updated accordingly.
    If anyone wants to reminisce you can find archived informations of the entropiatools here:

    My progress in this will be depending on collecting a huge amount of informations and in this I will be dependent from all of you in the community.

    A huge thank you to Dr.D.C. for providing and also a huge thank you to, without their data no MU information would be visible and this would just be another spreadsheet replacement.

    I look forward to getting the mission accomplished.

    Good luck everyone :)

    A result page of this here filled with some weapon results, preferrably more than one.
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  2. - Completed the overview of the old tools
    - Fixed a bug with calculating the entropiabay summary
    - Entropiabay data will now refresh every 4 hours
    - Peauction data will be refreshed once daily
    - Swarbled some gnurls
  3. - Beautified the top menu bar
    - Added the sticky management for the public
    - Split the result display into three tables
    - Show auction results in a category table with broken down summary
    - Backend work: counter for how often an item is searched (allows me to focus on fixing items that are searched often first)
  4. - Improved item display
    - Removed some unnecessary queries (maybe some small speed improvement)
    - Recalculation of item value of items with less than 1 PEC value per unit
    - Included sweat calculation
  5. After entropiatools came back online I did not continue to develop this,
    also due to the fact that entropiabay made a very neat inventory calculator.

    But because it does not take much work to keep it running the way it is, it will stay available.

    In that regard I moved to a more affordable server, so it might be a bit slower now.
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