Stuck in Greece

Discussion in 'Next Island bugs & issues' started by Meg, May 1, 2012.

  1. Thanks Manny and Meg!
    And that was my first visit to Ancient Greece. Prepare technologically for my next one, muahahahahaaha :ninja:
    Oh, well :)
  2. I have been offline for quite some time so I hope this thread is still alive because i need to be moved. Dont have the NI tp so Im stuck
    "Amroth Roth Delvare"
  3. hope someone manages to come and get yus. I've turned up on the planet and everything seems dead >.<; I plan on doing a little hunting though.
  4. It worked out, i wrote support and they were fast as lightning. They moved me within the hour :)

    Good luck hunting!
  5. ooh that's cool, welcome back to the game

    if you need a lift to another planet or transport, add me I have some links to free transports and cheap warps etc. get you back to civilisation and a planet that hasn't been abandoned ^^;
  6. I have around 6k time crystals so if someone ends up stuck I can usually make an emergency trip in a pinch to help
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