sub forum dropdowns

Discussion in 'About EntropiaPlanets' started by Mac y Lir, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. Is there a way to show all the sub forums when your looking at the main forum page so you don't have to click drop downs for each forum section to see the sub forums? Since I don't know where the sub forums are that interest me, I have to hover through each forums sub forum drop down to find stuff, then the box from the sub forum above covers the sub forum hover icon below. I'd prefer to find it at a glance, if possible.

    Also, is there a way to edit thread subjects after posting?

    Thanks for letting me know.
  2. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    Hey Mac,

    At this moment, listing sub forums is not possible, but I can see if I can come up with a way to make that happen. As for editing a thread title, I think only Moderators and Administrators can do that.
  3. OK thanks! :)
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