Entropia News: Summer Mayhem Update

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EP-Newsbot, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. Summer Mayhem Update

    A pet buff issue was identified earlier today, which allowed an avatar to receive an unintended attack speed buff beyond the normal buff limits.

    This issue has been corrected in a server hotfix that was implemented during the past two hours.

    Our team was able to identify a small number of Summer Mayhem participants who had this unintended buff active, and their Summer Mayhem scores have been reset. This affected only a small number of avatars: 5 participants in Summer Mayhem Annihilation, and 7 participants in Summer Mayhem Assault.

    We appreciate your patience during the unexpected downtime caused by this issue.

  2. meme1.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2020
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. San


    Did its buff work on weapons also outside of Mayhem, or any instance, ever since inception? Sheesh, another thing I had no idea about. And only days ago I went and tamed my first ones, now nobody will believe it wasn't for this purpose. Lol.
    • Hussked Hussked x 2
  4. The other forum is filled with yog/bot/cheater threads...all the fanboys crying...

    "Do something, or we will stop depositing = you will suffer" *trolololol*

    As if that will ever happen. x'D
    EP4 crafters are too powerfull anyway.

    Holy moly, some threads arent safe for work anymore...and not (yet) locked. x'D
    -I deposited more !
    -No, I did !
    -No, you did not !
    -But you cheated !
    -No! But you wanted to buy a yog today !
    -No you !

    Well, I got used to the drama over the past 16 years...but this is quite...interesting. ^^

    They have a nice collection of cheating avatars there already. :D
    Streams, recorded yotube clips, screenshots. Go Go Go ! You wont change anything and keep playing anyway. :)
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2020
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. San


    I find nothing interesting about rich kids slinging mud at each other, but what I do want to know is whether this exploit was known before and nothing done about it just because somehow there wasn't a big scandal. Or why there wasn't a scandal before if it existed. Some pieces in this story don't add up.
  6. LOL San !
    My comment was more directed towards the list of cheaters and not the "rich" kids spitting at each other. x'D
    Thats not really interesting.

    And I wrote "rich", as you may know, that many Entropians have quite big reallife loans or lent PEDs from other Entropians, to be able to continue playahheee gambling.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  7. Joins Mayhem...fails to understand the basics, complains.

    mayhem noob.jpg
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