So, I'm looking to sell more of my stuff. I've managed to get rid of quite a bit already through orders, but have a ton of stuff left I would like to sell. If you know of any tailors, I have a bunch of tailoring supplies (Wool, Leather, and a ton of different animal type hides as well as veneers), beautician stuff (Body fat, hair stuff, and make-up), and also am looking to find a happy home for some 5.8k short Midastree boards. I have other boards, but far less. I also have a ton of other stuff, including large amounts of blueprints, animal parts, and tier upgrading stuff. I can provide a list if wanted. If you're looking for any of this, or have a soc mate that does, let me know. I'm looking for an easy sale, preferably a bulk deal. I'm sure we can work something out. Good luck!
Instead of linking to PCF it would be better to just put info like this on the wiki, for many reasons.
In this particular instance I had no reason other than hinting at a few possibly useful contacts for the purpose of this sales thread because I just remembered that it exists. If a PCF thread starter is not worried about putting their content there then there's not much you can do to motivate them to create a backup elsewhere before they've had a bad experience themselves.