Team Hunt Event for Last hour of Justin's show

Discussion in 'Entropia Media' started by RavenJade, Nov 4, 2009.

  1. RavenJade

    RavenJade Vampire Princess

    we are going to try to have an Opallo team hunt during the last hour of the show. If we can get enough participants we are going to try for 4 teams. You must use either an Opallo, CB5, or a tt sword. Each team captain is responsible to make sure these weps are being used. Largest global in the hour if any will win the additional prize from the weekly sponsor.

    I'm looking for anyone who would like to join my team. The more that join the bigger the mob we can take on and get those globals to kick all the other teams butts.

    Justin hasn't told me what the prize will be yet, but in the past he's had some pretty reasonable big prizes. So let's go out and have some fun.
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