Well for the last 6 hours it seems that I am lost somewhere in the server. I tried to TP from Fort Ithica to Twin Peaks and now when I log in my avatar seems to jump to about 5 different places from Forth Ithica to Twin Peaks, I have tried multiple log offs and teleporting (T button) with no success. it is after 8pm in Sweden and I have yet to hear from MA (if their support is in Sweden) Very frustrating :( from other sites it seems that this is not an isolated incident. Has anyone here been stuck in this TP bug? Thanks
yeah then the Duplicate Kirk comes out of the transporter and he's the Mean half and then they both start dying because the two parts can't exist without the other. Is that the episode? So Forjat you have to find your double and get into the TP with it and then transport somewhere and you'll be one Forjat again and then you'll be OK.