I started to create a from in order to add teleporters to the wiki respectively making those we have already structured data. Some questions arose. What 'properties' does a TP have? - longitude - latitude - height - planet/entity on which it is located - estate on which it is located - area (server) on which it is located - estate upgrade or native - VU is has been added - hidden or on the map from the beginning -one way or bi-directional - associated achievement - located in PVP? Availability of... - revival point - auction - technician, are they called technician on all planets? Need a more general term I think. - storage - trade terminal - repair terminal - manufacturing terminal - society terminal - event guide - missions - ad terminal - global ad screen - local pvp zone ('ring', 'octagon') - automated gun turret - broadcaster What else?
There are different types of Tps. On Calypso, one is the traditional turning one, that was pre-CE2. Then there's the newer, more solid round one, as Nea's has. And the spire, like PA and Twins have, which is visible from miles away. Each of these has a different look.
Those? Large Frontline Battle Teleporter – 150,000 PED City Spire Teleporter – 125,000 PED Calypso Classic – 100,000 PED Mh... you think we should have a dropdown box for choosing the style of the teleporter? I mean... those types don't make any difference besides appearance. We would need to add all styles of TPs of all planets and sub-planets.
That's the ones, yes. If you think making the distinction does not make sense, then it's your call :) But yeah, no difference other than the appearance.