BIG Industries Proudly Presents: JUNE Hunt Neconu and Atrax Towards your in game quests!! ---------------------------------------- Tetania's-by-the-Sea OLA19 has been overrun by Neconu!! Clear the area while earning various bits of gear!! ---------------------------------------- Concept: Achieve different items grinding through the Neconu at OLA19 and fulfilling the required tiers to unlock the gear you need to keep hunting. Amps, weapons, and faps will be awarded as you achieve different divisions mowing through the mass of Neconu on OLA19. When: June 1st 00:00 - June 30th 23:59 Where: Event will take place within the boarders of OLA19 All globals must take place within the boarders of OLA19 to be counted in this event TP located at: 35227, 26854 4 Neconu DNA ranging from Young to Old Taxes @ 3.75% Prizes: The prizes below will be awarded for achieving the specified amounts of Neconu Globals Division 1 (10 Globals): 10X Tier1 Damage Enhancers Division 2 (20 Globals): 2x Shear XR70(L) Division 3 (40 Globals): GeoTrek LP 485 Apis(L) Division 4 (60 Globals): GeoTrek LP 485 Apis(L) + Vivo UR125(L) All items will be full TT value Prizes will be available at the end of May. If you complete 60 globals you will receive all the prizes and your score will reset to 0, you can then achieve another 60 to achieve double prizes, then another 60 to achieve triple prizes!! *Mining Counts too Registration: Globals will be tracked by Simply create an account there if you do not have one already, then register >>>HERE<<< for the event!! Click here to see additional prizes available in all of BIG Industries' events that are registered through the in game event system!!!