Planet Calypso News: The Mul’s Arise

Discussion in 'Planet Calypso' started by EP-Newsbot, Jun 3, 2022.

  1. The infamously aggressive Mulmun, Muluk-hir, and Mulaak’f mutants are on the move for their yearly ritual for the annual migration season!

    In addition to the regular Mul species that are participating in the ritual, it seems like Mayhem Mulmuns have joined the ritual, making them stronger than ever.

    Large groups of Muls have been spotted near Ashi, Atlas Haven, Camp Caravan, Fort Ithaca, south of Fort Pandora, Fort Zeus and around Jason Center. Elite Muls have been spotted and are expected to be present at all of these locations.

    Researchers have studied the Muls’ behavior for many seasons and have determined that when the members of the Mul tribes assemble, they become increasingly aggressive due to the rituals. The purpose of the rituals is believed to be a rite of passage and connected to the annual migration season expected to begin in a few weeks.

    The Mulmuns are known to be very fearsome mutants that viciously target colonists with massive impact damage. Using the proper armor and armor plate enhancers is essential in mitigating their attacks. Slaying Mayhem Mulmun’s will count toward Codex progress.

    Plan your hunt carefully before you head their way and help keep the Calypso settlements safe!

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