The Rules of Canley v1.0

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by ChelaBias, Apr 15, 2008.

  1. Connections - an important asset for an assassin View attachment 4052


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    • wise.gif
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  2. As I now have a decent sum on my head, I thought I had to eliminate some more threats... :hehe:

    View attachment 4053

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  3. Another good kill. Good Job :).
  4. Current status as at 11:22 MA Saturday 26th of April 2008

    Current Value of Surviving Assassins.
    00 PED Harry Cantbe Serious
    00 PED Slartybartfass slarty bummel
    10 PED Roger Stratos Fa
    10 PED Una Griph Alconbury
    10 PED Sally Tigeress Serious

    Eliminated Assassins.
    00 PED Sandra Bunny Doright eliminated by Una Griph Alconbury
    00 PED Amstek Kets Ketsma eliminated by Una Griph Alconbury
    00 PED Jelly Burgerman Belly eliminated by Una Griph Alconbury

    Current Surviving Targets
    Eike Phoenix Aikenslash
    Jane Trinity Cougar
    Shimeron Shim Skylark
    Sylena Sylc Aleska
    Chela Cee Bias
    Sarah Nin Jones
    Karl Pilki01 Pilkington

    Eliminated Targets
    James Dont GiveUp eliminated by Roger Stratos Fa
    Erach Erach Vortur eliminated by Una Griph Alconbury
    Anna Ufo Avaimenpera eliminated by Sally Tigeress Serious
  5. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Gratz on the kill Una.
    I could have camped the revive terminal in Itumatrox land, but I chose not to out of respect. I see now there is no respect in Canley.
    A 500 ped bounty is now offered for a Canley kill screenshot of Una.

  6. The numbers are getting a bit big for me but I think that makes a total of 610 PED. Comprising his 10PED value for the game and an additional 600 bounty.

    The current test is coming to an end, now less than 12 hours until the duration of the vendetta expires at which point I will pay up the game value. I do not know if the addition bounty also expires, would those offering it please clarify?

    Thank you.
  7. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    The 100 ped bounty on Anna has been received by Tigeress.
    The 500 ped bounty on Una expires when the existing Canley contract expires.

    (and just to clarify, I am not mad with Una, just roleplaying a little bit in keeping with the Terms of Canley)

  8. Hee hee, no body got me!!! LOL
  9. Final status as at 24:00 MA Saturday 26th of April 2008

    Value of Surviving Assassins.
    00 PED Harry Cantbe Serious
    00 PED Slartybartfass slarty bummel
    10 PED Roger Stratos Fa
    10 PED Una Griph Alconbury
    10 PED Sally Tigeress Serious

    Eliminated Assassins.
    00 PED Sandra Bunny Doright eliminated by Una Griph Alconbury
    00 PED Amstek Kets Ketsma eliminated by Una Griph Alconbury
    00 PED Jelly Burgerman Belly eliminated by Una Griph Alconbury

    Surviving Targets
    Eike Phoenix Aikenslash
    Jane Trinity Cougar
    Shimeron Shim Skylark
    Sylena Sylc Aleska
    Chela Cee Bias
    Sarah Nin Jones
    Karl Pilki01 Pilkington

    Eliminated Targets
    James Dont GiveUp eliminated by Roger Stratos Fa
    Erach Erach Vortur eliminated by Una Griph Alconbury
    Anna Ufo Avaimenpera eliminated by Sally Tigeress Serious

    In conclusion
    I will PM the successful assassins
    Roger Stratos Fa, Una Griph Alconbury and Sally Tigeress Serious to arrange payment.

    I would like to thank everyone who took part in this trial. I have learnt much that will help me in managing future vendettas, mostly in respect to the use of the forum in this. In subsequent vendettas I will post the Terms of Vendetta as the first post of the thread, this will also either contain The Rules of Canley or a link to them, the first post will then be edited to contain the names of those taking part and the current status of the vendetta. This will make it easier for me to manage and hopefully make it easier for those taking part to find the current status..

    I have enjoyed running this and will be happy to do so again. Reading your posts, your failures as well as your successes has provided me with quite a lot of entertainment and generally speaking indicated that the rules work. The modification to allow targets to defend themselves was an excellent suggestion from Phoenix. If anyone has any more ideas or suggestions please post them here, this is why the trial was run.

    Please post your impressions here also. If you were taking part in any respect did this change the way you were playing? If so was it for the better or did you find it had a negative impact? Would you be interested in taking part in subsequent vendettas? I will also welcome suggestions and impressions from those not involved, is it a good spectator sport? if I can make this more interesting or exciting then I will try to do so.

    Thanks again everyone I appreciate your support and I look forward to reading your comments.

  10. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    A very original and interesting event in EU. Thanks Chela for organising this, and I hope to see more vendettas posted in the future. :ok:
  11. Yeah , a very interesting event , got a bit anxious since assasins started to kill assasins.
    In the end the time got a bit short for me ;) and i missed one kill due to technical problems :mad: ( my screencapture proggy decided to not react to a keypress anynore ).

    Although a very cool event .

    I donate my value for the next round.

    thx Chela
    • Like Like x 2
  12. great event, although I had not much time for it. But I enjoyed to feel the thrill to get caught by someone.
    My bounty for Una also expired by the end of Canley.
    I have some remarks to the organisation of Canley (not about the rules, but abou the thread). But atm the time is too short to post. And my ears are still ringing from the concert last night...
    I will post later on
  13. Phoenix

    Phoenix Esquire

    A great event. If nothing else it made EU more enjoyable. Just imagine how hard it would be to kill someone while he gathers sweat at Nea's and also for the victim to gather that sweat while examining their surroundings for the assassins and trying to hide in the crowd to make the assassin miss. WOW, it really is enjoyable ;)
  14. TalkerBot

    TalkerBot Forum Pest

    Compare that to a bad event.That is a hypothetical question.I can't imagine how hard it would be to kill someone while he gathers sweat at Nea's and for the victim to gather that sweat while examining their surroundings for the assassins and trying to hide in the crowd to make the assassin miss :-) I'm glad you're impressed. Are you sure enjoyable is?
  15. I sure enjoyed this, I loved the thrill it brought to the game. And I definitely like to plan attacks and sneaking around looking for victims ;) I thought it was so fun that I started to kill off assassins as well :hehe: I'm definitely interested in another round.

    And yes Canley sure had an impact on my playing. For example, using the teleports was always a risk, somebody could just stand by the TP and wait, so I always started running and jumping before the screen had loaded and I could see the surroundings LOL
    Things like this were only fun IMO, but I must say it is nice to be able to relax again and don't care about how and where you move :D

    I will donate my value of 10 PED to the next round as well.
  16. Kets

    Kets Cranky Old EuC Reporter

    I hope that more are posted and I'll stay away from heavy lag zones to be sure.
  17. I have received PMs from all three successful assassins and all have decided to forego payment of the contract so that the ped can be used for the next vendetta. Thank you all for that, most generous.

    The test has thrown up the issue of time outs, I have also thought it might be good to have a designated safe zone where no assassination may take place. So will update the rules with some methods to cover these contingencies before posting the next vendetta.

    Thank you all for your comments and descriptions, I am glad you have enjoyed this.

    If there are any further comments please post here.

    Thanks again,
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