Unclear about who does errands ....................................Convoy

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by RICHARDStallman, May 20, 2009.

  1. Catagories::Specialities or Chosen Profession(s)

    What are the in-game specialities or chosen professions that needs services from a Convoy?.

    Land Management
    Entropia Flying Guide
    Oil Rig

    -- Can anybody name a few who earn bucks by run(-ning) "errands" for others "in-game"? Frankly, has me puzzled
    a great deal. [help]



    Anything about the Entropia Universe that doesnt fit elsewhere.


    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2009
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  2. That would perhaps be a beautician, it is quite common that they have people advertising for them. I did a bit of that myself during my early days almost two years ago. I got a fixed % of how much the ones I brought there spent.

    Same with crafters, I know some of the high-end crafters hire people to take care of the selling.
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  3. High-end 'runners' are sometimes needed by uber hunters. Many uber-hunters are freelancers - they play solo most of the time, but even they can't always take-on say 4, 5 'hard' creatures at the same time, so they will often ask a 'runner' to litterally run at a mob to get it to run towards the uber hunter...
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  4. Re: Anyone know who would mentor a combat medic that is hired out to heal 4 a fee :

    :moz: Good times, Good times {bow}

    [​IMG] Anyone know who would mentor a combat medic that is hired out to heal a hunter for a fee?

    EU must have a need for a 'Combat Medic'


    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2009
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  5. Combat medic? Just stand behind the hunter fapping, not that hard? I'm sure you can figure out that yourself without a mentor.

    However, as a hunter it is quite easy finding a fapper to which you only need to pay fap decay, so you will probably have a hard time finding a hunter ready to pay an extra fee on top of that.

    I would say you need a Modified or Improved Fap to be able to make any money on a regular basis. And we all know how incredibly high price tags those two items have got...
    Perhaps also running a medic service with Adjusted Fap would be able to bring in some money (but I already know of at least one running Adj Fap service where you as the hunter only pay him for the decay, plus the Adj Fap ain't very cheap either)
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