I've very, very recently bought a new USB optical mouse, as my old one had developed a few glitches, but for some reason will not work via my PS2 adapter just as the old one did - which basically means that I now have a redundent PS2 mouse slot, and one less USB slot available - which is annoying. I am now in the silly situation of having to hotswap my USB printer with a USB scanner... I could buy a USB hub but this would mean another cable and my desk look likes a pile of spagheti already. Anyway, does anyone know why the new mouse won't work via the PS2 mouse adapter/port and only via a USB port? It connect OK to the USB-end of the PS2 adapter, so I don't get it...
In most cases a USB mouse will only work with a PS2 adaptor if the adaptor is supplied with it, not always true but in most cases.
Ah - thanks, that explains it ;) On thinking about it, the old mose came with the PS2 adapter... Still odd though that the adapter won't work with the new mose, but thanks alot...