Just a little heads up http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/38517/Steam_Accounts_Hacked_Credit_Card_Info_Obtained.php http://www.hardwarecanucks.com/news...lve-announces-massive-steam-server-intrusion/ Hint: Get separate debit card for online payments, where data is stored :)
I saw yesterday that their forums might have gotten compromised (they run vBulletin), but nothing more was known at that time. Painful is there was way more to it than that...
Didn't read these specific articles, but others reported that passwords and other data were properly encrypted, hashed and salted. So nothing much to worry about :)
Yes sir. That's clear now. For the future: "Settings > Manage Steam Guard Account Security > Deauthorize all other computers" now should be kinda fool proof if you play Steam games on one puter only. :)