vBulletin v4.1.12 Integrates Forum Runner

Discussion in 'About EU Chronicle' started by Phunkygeeza, Apr 14, 2012.

  1. I have copied the below from a news email from vBulletin for your info:

    There's a new reason to build your forum using the latest version of vBulletin 4. Aside from 4.1.12 being our strongest and most stable release to date, we're introducing the integration of Forum Runner into our core product.

    Forum Runner's integration into vBulletin 4.1.12 empowers you to provide a lightweight and efficient mobile application for your online community. From its mobile-optimized screen display to its fast page rendering your users are able to browse and experience your forum with a quality comparable to that of a laptop or desktop computer.

    Push notifications keep your members "plugged in" and coming back to your site to review the content and conversations they have found most interesting. Photo uploading is streamlined into a simple process that makes it easier for your community to share and interact.

    Though all vBulletin forums can download the Forum Runner plug-in from forumrunner.com to use on their sites, the newest version of vBulletin gives you access to a 1-click activation of Forum Runner through your admin control panel. This activation allows your forum to benefit from these and other capabilities.

    Go to our members area to download or upgrade to 4.1.12 today.

    Helping You Build Better Communities,
    Your vBulletin Support Team
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  2. Also see release notes here
  3. Sorry to butt in, but I find this fascinating - even if it is really none of my business, LOL. For the past few weeks I've been working on a website after I acquired the domain, EntropiaVIP.com, endless trouble, but to cut a long story short, eventually I had the choice of a 'fully functional demo' vbulletin 4 and the open - source equivalent, phpBB3. Is vbulletin easy to use please, I mean with little knowledge of coding? i.e. no knowledge at all of php?
    I'm happy with my results so far, I have a lot lot more content to upload before I launch the site, it really just means typing, oh and the never-ending video-editing :( If you click -> http://aloudfart.com/phbb3 you'll get a free raffle ticket for your trouble, but any advice from 'those who know' would be great. Any feedback at all. I didn't set out to set up a forum, it's just meant to be a website which users can log into and use. Thanks for reading, Regards, Boo,
    p.s. Phunksta - if you've not been into space yet you have a real treat in store - for the first 6 weeks I had a full-time job as a space taxi pilot and loved it! But then they doubled the size of space.
  4. @boo - I kinda 'inherited' vBulletin when I took over the forum and have only really gotten to grips with it because of the forum. It *is* a nice system I have to admit, and the v4 publishing suite release solved a lot of issues because of the built in CMS and blog modules.
    There is no need to know PHP, or even HTML to a certain degree. If you get heavily into customisation then yes you do but it's along way down the line.
    The only gripe I have is the skin/theme system is too abstract; as someone who knows CSS and HTML fairly well I'd much rather build themes directly (like in Joomla) than via the 'stylers' system that vB uses.

    If I were to start again I would opt for a Free Open Source equivalent - there are a few around phpBB included.
    vB is worth the money though.

    Best of luck in your endeavours!
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