Well you all have seen the new forum and the new skin by now (if you didn't there is something seriously wrong) and you probably understand that it was a lot of work for the EP people to make it happen. With this new forum software en skin will probably come some problems and little things that need to be addressed. I was talking to the Admin and he asked me to make a thread for this and here it is. We are aware of a few issues, but there could be more and we want to ask you people to help us find them so we can solve them (when I say we I mean the Admin of course) With this new forum software comes a nice little feature that is going to function as a bug tracker and a project manager for this forum. So, this gives us a nice opportunity to give that a try. So if you go to this page: EntropiaPlanets - EntropiaPlanets.com - Entropia Universe information, wiki and tools - Projects you will get a list of all bugs and tasks that need to be addressed. When you click the "Post new Issue" you will get a pull down menu with Bug, Feature and Task, choose the one that suits you problem best. Fill out all the info on the next page and press 'Save'. This will add your bug or task to the list. This way we get a nice list of stuff that needs to be done on the forum and we can keep you posted on the progress. Of course that system is new as well and might have some issues itself, so if for some reason you can't post anything there do it in this thread.