Entropia News: Virtual Dagger Auctioned for Over $10,000 in Entropia Universe

Discussion in 'Entropia News' started by EP-Newsbot, Nov 22, 2017.

  1. [​IMG]
    Virtual Dagger Auctioned for Over $10,000 in Entropia Universe

    A dagger was auctioned for $10,222 in MMORPG Entropia Universe — more than the price of a real, gold-plated “Black Panther” hunting knife — despite being made only of pixels.

    The powerful Unique Sacrificial Dagger is the only one of its kind and was discovered in Halloween Mayhem 2017, an annual event where participants kill zombie monsters for prizes with real cash value. This year’s event marked the introduction of lootable Halloween Strongboxes, with player “28 yunggun 04” opening one such box to discover the precious item within.

    Entropia Universe is well known for its record-breaking virtual items sales — Crystal Palace Space Station was sold to a single player in 2009 for $330,000.

  2. *yawn* super news, bring in the temporary n00bs, that never heard of Entropia before.

    If "content" keeps coming at this rate and seeing more and more oldtimers turning bitter...messi will have to deposit his own loots sooner or later. ;D
  3. NotAdmin

    NotAdmin Administrator

    And the winner of "worst possible time to issue a marketing release mentioning strongboxes" goes to....


    Also, how is it that something so poorly written ever gets a go-ahead from the marketing team at MA?
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