voice chat

Discussion in 'General Entropia Universe Discussion' started by RAZER, May 18, 2011.

  1. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    So I was in Twin Peaks and in Port Atlantis a bit today and was talking to some people in voice chat. It amazes me it actually works and that is what I hear from a lot of people. It is also pretty well thought out to. The proximity is about 10 meters and the sound changes from left to stereo to right when you turn your avatar. So far no annoying people on the chat that I heard but found out you can easily mute people (right click somebody-> avatar -> mute) or unmute (right click somebody-> avatar -> unmute).

    So in short, I think this works very well and it is the first thing MA introduced that is actually free to use in proximity. Sure you need to buy i to use in any other way, but this really brings a extra layer to this game.

    What is your experience with the voice chat in game?
  2. I thought MA was charging for voice chat?
  3. narfi

    narfi Lost

    I think the proximity area is a bit too small, though In twins i could imagine wanting it the size it is.
    I was chatting with some people last night and we agreed that the proximity sould be larger, (should be the size of your inner radar circle) or even better a slider to set the size of your proximity.

    Personaly the extreme differences of left to right to sterio are a little too much. I would prefer when someone is to my left that I hear 100% volume from my left ear and 25-50% out of my right ear. (right now it is 0% from the opposite side speaker)

    The affect of the left, right, stereo sound is nice, but I think it could be tweaked to make it even better.

  4. Thorn

    Thorn Proud CND Baby

    Yes proximity should be a bit larger and a volume slider would be a great addition. The stereo spread as Narfi explained would make it a bit more realistic too. Overall I think it is a long due and excellent addition to EU. A feature like this could be a big draw to prospective players and is certainly bound to engage the players even further in the game. Looking forward to trying it on a team hunt! Did`nt have time last night since we yacked away until I had to go to bed!
  5. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    Well they introduced the proximity chat with the last VU. We can now talk to people that are withing about 10 meter around us for free. If we wanna talk to people in out soc or team we need to buy an upgrade.
  6. John BD

    John BD Subwoofers rock.

    bleh i cant get the thing to work no matter what port i open, no option there to activate it (not even grayed out)
  7. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    thats weird John, I only had to click YES on a popup box from my firewall to let the voice chat access the interweb and I needed to activate the proximity chat thingy in the ingame options menu.
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