VU 15 Next island changes

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by Kitten, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. TT has been changes. New (L) items are now available

    Ancient Greece all UL tools and blades have been removed and replaced with (L) items. the (L) items ARE NOT usable in greece! Be warned that you need to bring your own herb box and greece blades.
    • Informative Informative x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  2. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    So the L ones you get in Greece can't be used there? :eek (2): I'm glad I got all mine before!
  3. yup the (L) once in the greece tt is the same as mainland they are NOT ancient items usable there :o
  4. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    Yeah I just figured it out. Seems they just went in a said, change all TT weapons. Forgot there are other places that these weapons can't be used! Well the prices will jump up. I hope you filled your store! :biggrin:
  5. I think I have still some but better grab up more now :o
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    Yep was thinking the same... My comp is down so can you buy me a few sets? LoL :nana: I suppose I better get my reno's done so I can come back and check out the verse!

    Gl shopping! :thumbup:
  7. Lucky I got me like 30+ herb boxs with a tier ratings above 100 for each lvl. Yes I was bored one day :)
  8. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Oh wow so I I guess I just got richer... reminds me of when clothes trader was removed. Shame I didn't get spares...
  9. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    But good on MA for removing the only reason (for most) to go to AG. Really a pat on the back for that one. Good work, well done.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  10. Norbert

    Norbert Cartoon Head

    All old calypso tt stuff is still in mothership, pathfinder, and space station tt's, just a heads up for those thinking about buying up old weapons.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  11. Once again you can SEE the way MA works.

    I think they just forgot these TTs just like they forgot about Greece.
    But enough people will buy tons of unlimited TT items now.
  12. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Well.... to be honest, being really nasty here. The opalo was "kinda a mistake" in my view. ie before Opalo I could craft weapons and I could make a nice low end Jester and sell it for +0.5ped, rince and repeat and yay I am contrubuting to the economy AND raising my skills. The Opalo wiped that one out.

    Sure it was "conventient" to buy from TT one of the best weapons in game but the old model of you can buy a 7 dmg weapon from TT but a crafted one is cheaper and does 8 dmg was much better.
  13. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    true it costs less... am I right in thinking opalo is still there though? just in L format? Similarly with the NI weapons? Still there but L?

    I think given the skill difference to max on a jester though I'd always say opalo is better. I'll NEVER max a jester (which is effin stupid incidentally MA).

    Can't help feeling MA should take a risk and put low level essential items to the crafters. ie go back to the 7dmg solomate gun in the TT and make opalo lvl 1 craftable.
  14. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    besides it isn't like anyone will run out of weapons. There are so many rubios and azuros about among newbie circles
  15. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

  16. I know exactly what you mean Wistrel.
    And it has not yet stopped.
  17. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Really? (goes to check out this TT of which you speak)
  18. They are selling working weapons there now.
  19. (L) ones ? Screenshots ?
  20. Same stats as every planet, no need for screenshot. Limited like every planet. It looks like the one from caly but it works there.
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