I just put together a visual diagram that breaks down the various economic situations that tend to play this game. Feel free to check it out. Will I like Entropia? Entropia Universe Entertainment Assessment Model | Laudanum If you happen to use this image in any guides, please credit me and where it came from. Thanks!
That is a very nice diagram! Would you mind if I posted it in my blog? (giving you proper credit of course) The only thing missing is the tiny fraction of players that take an arrow to the column to the right of their pay grade by being very successful within their current level. narfi
I think a person could deduce that they if they are very successful they could advance. I didnt want to put it in there though because most people have this problem with thinking that they are going to be the ones to do that very thing and didnt want to contribute to that process of delusion. You can post it in your blog for sure.
Thanks. Im in the process of writing a guide for EU that is flowchart and video based where applicable. Games like this really need a comprehensive, interactive, realistic series of guides in order to be completely effective. Otherwise theres a portion of the audience that feels alienated due to misinformation. Its mostly their own fault, people hear what they want to hear, but it exists nonetheless and any responsible author should acknowledge this and deal with it.
Thanks, and done ;) Playing with Real Money: Colonizing Virtual Worlds: Is the Entropia Universe for you? (cost to play) narfi