Weapon Amplifiers: Why do they matter?

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Guides and Help' started by narfi, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. narfi

    narfi Lost

    I was asked this question today.
    The weapon being discussed was the Omegaton L1010(L) so I will use it in this example.
    They said they always buy the cheapest one in auction for around 111peds. (its 88peds tt so I did the math backwards to figure out that is around 126%)

    Here is a chart comparing the Damage per PEC and Damage per second for this gun unamped and with the A102-A106 as well as A204 amplifiers.
    (make sure you understand that these numbers are assuming that you are maxed (SIB = NOT ANYMORE) for both HIT and DMG professions on the gun)


    Using the A102 amplifier you would get 2.851 dmg/pec and 38.40 dmg/sec
    Using the A104 amplifier you would get 2.890 dmg/pec and 43.67 dmg/sec

    This means that the A104 provides 1.368% more dmg/pec than if using the A102 on this weapon.

    This means that the A104 provides 13.724% more dmg/sec than if using the A102 on this weapon.

    Almost 14% more damage a second means that much savings on your armor and fap because the animal is attacking you less. It also means that the animal will regenerate less health before you kill it due to your kill speed.
    Both of these will provide you with significant savings over time.

    Now lets talk about the 1.368% damage per pec increase.
    It doesn't sound like a lot, but let me show you how fast it adds up.

    1.368% for each 250ped hunt = 3.42ped savings (or 3.42ped more animals killed depending on how you want to look at it)

    Suppose you go on 4 hunts that size a day.
    13.68ped saved per day
    95.76ped saved per week
    410.04ped saved per month
    4993.20ped saved per year

    Now just for fun, lets compare it to the A204 amplifier :)

    Using the A102 amplifier you would get 2.851 dmg/pec and 38.40 dmg/sec
    Using the A204 amplifier you would get 2.922 dmg/pec and 48.19 dmg/sec

    This means that the A204 provides 2.49% more dmg/pec than if using the A102 on this weapon.

    This means that the A204 provides 25.495% more dmg/sec than if using the A102 on this weapon.

    Savings on the same size hunts,
    6.225ped saved per 250ped hunt
    24.90ped saved per day (4x 250ped hunts)
    174.30ped saved per week
    747.00ped saved per month
    9088.50ped saved per year

    Sometimes it can be more economical to have higher dps and lower dmg/pec if combating animals with high regen or that hit hard/fast enough to incur high defense bills. But in the case of the Axxx series amplifiers its always more eco and more dps to go with the largest you can fit on your weapon.

    Remember though, an amplifier can only add 50% damage to the base value of the weapon it is attached to. So don't try putting a 12 damage amplifier on a 18 damage gun since the most it can utilize would be an extra 9dmg amplified.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2013
    • Informative Informative x 4
  2. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    And now for comparison the calculations incl. the markup for the (L) weapon! :tongue (2):
  3. narfi

    narfi Lost

    the calculations did include the markup of 126% on the weapon, sorry if I didnt make that clear.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Extra hunting related skills also increases dmg per second. For instance I maxed out on the Isis LR53 over three years ago and it took me 5-6 shots to kill an armax bull mature using an A104, now it takes 3-4 shots with the same amp.
  5. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Master Of Entropia

    Something doesn't seem right here. You can't do more DPS than when MAXED with Extra hunting related skills.
  6. Having more hunting related skills now than three years ago enables me to kill the same mobs more efficiently, using less rounds of ammo - that's what I meant.
  7. It just adds more damage for your gun that's all their is to know makes you kill faster, don't see the point in doing all that math, when i was playing i just used a few e amps until they decayed then repair them on my next hunt.
  8. narfi

    narfi Lost

    In all of my studies I have never seen any reason for this to be the case.
    I think more likely your armor/hp/evade is different now so you don't need to heal as much which would cause more regeneration and in turn more shots required.

    (also I know some mobs regen speeds have changed over the years, but do not know about this one in particular)

    Yes, but your damage per second using a maxed gun then would be no different than using the same maxed gun now. (just making sure we are on the same page)

    The point is how to approach the game in a more efficient manner and not waste peds. The E-amp series is notorious for its bad eco.

    Let me do a quick comparison for you using the same example as above.

    Igni L1010(L) + E-amp 15
    Egni L1010(L) + A104

    Using the E-amp 15 amplifier you would get 2.742 dmg/pec and 48.19 dmg/sec
    Using the A104 amplifier you would get 2.890 dmg/pec and 43.67 dmg/sec

    That means the A104 does 5.4% more damage per pec than you would have using the E-amp 15 on this gun.

    The E-amp would have provided you with a little extra damage per second (4.52 which is kind of a nice boost really)

    Unfortunately 5.4% is a lot of inefficiency to try and counter.

    Every 250ped hunt you would loose an extra 13.50ped
    Every day of 4x 250ped hunts you would loose an extra 54ped
    Every week you would loose an extra 378ped
    Every month you would loose an extra 1620ped
    Every year you would loose an extra 19710ped

    The difference between doing the math, and "just killing faster" potentially cost you 2 thousand USD a year!!!!!!

    That is a big difference in my opinion, and not something I can handle on my deposit budget. (and I cycle considerably more than that per day, so the losses would be exponentially worse for me)
  9. I did re-qualify 'Extra hunting related skills also increases dmg per second. For instance I maxed out on the Isis LR53 over three years ago and it took me 5-6 shots to kill an armax bull mature using an A104, now it takes 3-4 shots with the same amp' with this: 'Having more hunting related skills now than three years ago enables me to kill the same mobs more efficiently, using less rounds of ammo - that's what I meant.'

    So if in fact I do not get extra dps then so be it, but I do know that it takes me less rounds of ammo to kill the same mobs with the same maxed out weapon than it did three years ago, so I can only put this down to hunting related skills.

    In my mind and I'm sure in many people's minds, less ammo for the same mob with the same weapon equals more efficiency.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2013

  10. AxeMurderer said: 'Something doesn't seem right here. You can't do more DPS than when MAXED with Extra hunting related skills.'

    I then said: 'Having more hunting related skills now than three years ago enables me to kill the same mobs more efficiently, using less rounds of ammo - that's what I meant.'

    To which narfi said: 'Yes, but your damage per second using a maxed gun then would be no different than using the same maxed gun now. '

    The point being, I did not claim that I don't get extra damage per second, it was narfi that pointed out that the dps for the same maxed out weapon would be no different. All I know is that I am killing the same mobs with the same maxed out weapons more quickly; with less rounds of ammo. If this isn't due to increased dps, then it must be due to something else. I have skill-chipped during last three years or so with extra aim, marksman, ird and rda + rifle, handgun - these are hunting related skills...
  11. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

    to bad we cannot count how much it will safe to have a little extra dmg/sec
    because you have less armour decay, less regen -> less shots/ammo used/weapon decay .. I wonder where the break even point would be .. more dmg/sec for less dmg/pec ;)

    of course if the amp gives you more in both thats best , but not everyone can afford A204 amps :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. narfi

    narfi Lost

    Which is why I went blp with the dante amp :D
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Gratz Gratz x 1
  13. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Wisker Fish

    Ditto but with a beast! ;)
    • Creative Creative x 1
  14. leeloo

    leeloo cOloRmAnIaC

    I have a Frean D with Beast too as my secondary Weapon and atm I am using a limited BLP Handgun (Enigma 2 or something) with Dante (but its only borrowed) :)

    When I use laser guns I usually get an A204 from a friend :whistling:
    • Like Like x 1
  15. I've got a bit stuck in my ways (or just plain stuck...) and tend to stick with the old A103/104 & 105 amps for laser/plasma guns depending on my budget, usually with Breer P4/P5 and Isis HL 6/7/8 handguns and Isis LR53 carbines. But I've also had a lot more BLP skill gains and am doing ok with various blp rifles that I've looted.
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