Hey :) We're trying to improve our front page and want to as you, the users, what you are finding most important, when you land on EntropiaPlanets Front page. Is it the news? Members online? Your own welcome-profile? etc. Please select in the poll - but also write how important the chosen feature in a scale from 1-5 where 1 is most important. Thank you for your help :) Lykke
I check updates on a LOT of forums between my work and my play. I like to be able to check out the latest happenings (news), the latest updates (new posts), and whether I have any PM's that I need to look at. Beyond those things I can navigate to other stuff when I have time. A HUGE thing for me is page load speed, so if the coding needs to be trimmed down or if a few bells and whistles need to be moved off the home page I'm all for it. Things like MU feeds and who's online, etc can be moved off the home page. These extras are great to have, but page load speed is tremendously important for busy people.
I chose recent new threads list... This is a 5 for me as I like to see whats new and happening in EU:)