What do you think should be first problems solved in the future upgrade of NI?

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by RedDragon, Mar 16, 2011.

What should be first problems solved in the future upgrade of NI

  1. solving bugs (tp, missions, etc...)

  2. introduction of new items (bp, armors, weapons, etc...))

  3. time travel

  4. new mobs and lootable items

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. What do you think should be first problems solved in the future upgrade of NI? :monkey:
    Here are some options to choose :p

    1. solving bugs (tp, missions, etc...)
    2. ntroduction of new items (bp, armors, weapons, etc...)
    3. time travel
    4. new mobs and new lootable items
  2. You forgot to add more players to the list :)
    Voted new items
  3. Bugs and New items for my list.

    Or rather New items and bug fixing for those too before we get them :) Once more BP's arrive, NI will start making more economic sense, since it's sad when you have to TT loot with decent MU simply because there are no crafters that need or buy it...

    P.S. Didn't see any "Toys for Kitten" option ;p
  4. I voted introduce new items.


    Although time travel is a selling point of NI it is very clear that this aspect is not finished and hasnt been given much thought (at least in terms of implementation -- the storyline is something different). Im curious if time travel was storyboarded and presented to a board for thorough review, or simply spoken about and left to the world designer to decipher those concepts into a real workable form. I suspect the latter.

    Since thats not working I would rather not have it at all in game currently than have it incomplete and not thought through clearly.

    In the interim, unique items on Next Island will serve to provide the populace with some sort of economic contribution to the Entropia Universe. Once that happens we are no longer a suburb of Planet Calypso, but an actual, viable economic entity unto ourselves.
  5. Maggie said it well.
    I agree
  6. madcaz

    madcaz General NBK Legion

    Desperately need new items/bp's before storage bursts and the ped cards starve but please for the love of god/satan/whatever bug fixes so we can tp, complete missions and have Sebastian make friends with the people he won't talk to!
  7. I voted for all :)
  8. Blueprints, but how do you have a multiple choice for what happens first?
  9. red


    all would be excellent.

    I'd be happy with fixing the obvious errors.
  10. I wonder when Neverdie will decide to make such an upgrade to revive the loot and economy. :confused:
    To be honest, I was pretty tired deposit money for almost nothing :(
  11. It's not ND's choice.

    The development studio is his, but David Post owns and operates the planet, so anything that does or (mostly) does not happen is due to his decisions and priorities.
  12. Calin

    Calin Due for an Ultra-Uber Loot.

    I don't understand why people think ND makes the decisions about NI. It's not like the Club Neverdie stuff is the only part of the planet that's complete, or that his name and family's names are plastered all over everything, or that the planet was set up so that the main gathering place on the planet is CND. Oh... wait...

    Mr. Post... Please take your planet back. I like your concept, but the ND litter all over the place just ruins it. The ND BS cheapens the whole planet. Oh wait... isn't ND supposed to have pulled out of participation? Gee I wonder if that will ever happen. He still has his super custom MEGA Land Area.

    For anyone who thinks I got off topic... I haven't. I think the first thing that should be done to fix NI is to erase all signs of ND except the revival at CND.
  13. Mr. Post has gotten an ear full on Facebook in the last hour. He has mentioned that we will hear some news within the next 10 days. Fingers crossed.
  14. Calin

    Calin Due for an Ultra-Uber Loot.

    April 3rd isn't 10 days. :p
  15. roflmao I keep thinking its the week of the 24th, maybe cause the last week of the month is Spring Break and I need a week off from work! And hey, you know who I am on FB!!! LOL
  16. red


    where can I read this?

    (should they say something here, as well?|)
  17. Calin

    Calin Due for an Ultra-Uber Loot.

    Really, everything and anything said about NI should be said here. It is very annoying to have to track stuff down everywhere.
  18. on his personal facebook page so just his friends can read it. Hopefully an official statement soon but he did say he cant say anything yet due to developments he cant announce.

    I would hate to be repeating anything someone said in a PM or on a personal wall post though so I say no more.

    I do hope something said soon though because standing around Greece just chatting in pm and soc chat I cant really play right now :-/
  19. Yes I agree, I believe ALL communication should be done here. But since it isn't I passed on the info. :) Wall Posts are not private so I don't see a problem sharing the info for everyone

  20. Ok, what the heck is with the forum? I have tried to edit the last post 3 times now, its not letting me add smileys by clicking on the icon and its not letting me make separate paragraphs

    Something messing up on Firefox, so updated to 4. Seems to be working now
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