What do you think should be first problems solved in the future upgrade of NI?

Discussion in 'Next Island' started by RedDragon, Mar 16, 2011.

What should be first problems solved in the future upgrade of NI

  1. solving bugs (tp, missions, etc...)

  2. introduction of new items (bp, armors, weapons, etc...))

  3. time travel

  4. new mobs and lootable items

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  1. red


    thank you, softheart.

    it seems there's a little frustration in mr. post's words.

    I do think it is a little sad that they've chosen 'facebook' as their vehicle for communications. there are some of us who won't go near that system. myself, I prefer specific sites, like this one, as the information is more focused and the communication tends to be longer than a couple of lines and a bunch of links.

    but, I never fit in well with the masses.
  2. It's not only you Red.

    But i guess we should all keep in mind that we're NOT the target audience according to the NI team's plans. They want to focus on FaceBook users, power-casuals (whatever that is). In their eyes it makes sense to keep all, or most of the communications in the platform they want to work with, as many FB users simply won't be bothered to register an account in a dedicated forum.

    Of course i do think that they should AT LEAST repost in the forums, even if only as a small act of acknowledgment to the player base that made NI their new home and act like beta testers while trying to help retain new players and help Mr. Post realize his dream. But who am i to judge?
  3. Add me to the list of beta testers who do not have facebook accounts. Even though I am not a member of the target audience, I certainly enjoy the Next Island environment and I am trying to contribute to the growth of the local community and economy.

    I would like to receive information through this official website.

    Thank you Meg for posting whenever you are able to do so.

    However when the planet owner gives interviews to trade media and posts information on facebook, I would like to see this information posted on nextislandlife by the planet owner. If it is not, I will have to conclude that Next Island does not want my business and I will probably move on.
  4. Yes, I have also noticed his frustration in more than one post. And can understand why seeing that he also has alot of money involved in it. To me I get the impression that NI is not coming along as fast as he would like. So who is holding the progress back?

    I also mentioned months back that I wished most of the communication was on here and not on FB and twitter, alot of the time I miss the info posted on FB wall and have to actually visit their pages to see the info.
  5. Frustration on Mr. Posts part is a good thing. It means he wants NI to be better, and it means he will deal with whatever is slowing it down. :)
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