Planet Cyrene: What happen?

Discussion in 'Planet Cyrene' started by Airboy, May 26, 2013.

  1. I thought this was the planet partner that had the best resources to create and launched a good planet. Now I wonder what happen, development seems to go very slowly and few players. Maybe the owners hit the brake and cut the funds?
  2. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    Yep, that's an interesting question. I too was under the impression that among all Planet Parters Cyrene had the most resources allocated to the project:


    Also they have released preview screenshots of obviously high quality content, mentioned features like "world events", factions, etc etc. Now, Planet Cyrene is in "soft launch" for a year already.

    But then, there is no "faction update" yet, no mech system yet, ...

    So... what's up? Ed 3 - Cyrene Kris - Cyrene Lykke - Cyrene
  3. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    factions, and mechs etc are developed by MA. Furthermore it's my guess Cyrene also needs taming for it to launch.

    I've been following this PP with interest and judging by the posts by officials what seems to have happened here is some kind of fallout. Around a year ago Ed wanted to launch but couldn't. Perhaps Ed got tired of the lenghty development time of those systems he needed. Actually I suspect it's not development but release of those systems as he said they were ready to launch. So it's likely for some unknown reason to us a lot of systems are being held back i.e. not released although they are developed. This could happen if they need certain conditions to be met before launch which unfortunately have not been met. Conditions possibly related to player perceptions and numbers i.e. (prefer to keep that uder wraps for now :) )

    So anyway it's likely the Cyrene development team has been diverted to other CK projects, with only a skeleton team remaining to keep things ticking over. Once MA are ready perhaps Cyrene devs will be beefed up again.

    All speculation on top of speculation. A whole chain of speculations :-) So although may sound plausible could all be incorrect.
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  4. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    And I thought "I" was a storyteller. :nana:
  5. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Everyone is :bandit: Since it is said everyone has a story to tell...

    but judging by your comment I would imagine you also think it's somewhere close to the truth...

    Women rarely get to the point directly so yup you definitely agree with me :tiphat:
  6. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Floating in Space

    I see you also like walking the edge. :tongueout:

    You ARE the speculation man, and no, I don't agree with you. :wise:
  7. RAZER

    RAZER Custom title ... uh ...

    Last thing I heard (from someone that heard it from someone else) is that Cyrene is on target for development, waiting for some stuff MA has to develop, but on target. The fact that Cyrene has a bigger budget (something most people think is true) is why stuff seems to be going slow, meaning they don't have to put all the stuff out there asap, because they have a money buffer.

    It would not surprise me that IF MA releases a few new systems (taming, mounting, factions) we'll see a HUGE development increase on the Cyrene side.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Who me? wouldn't dream of it :wink:
  9. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Surely Lykke could comment on this? or is she on leave at the moment? Are there any threads like this on the cyrene forum?
  10. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    The most recent thread would be this one:

    Notice Kris posted but avoided main question. Lykke also posted and mentioned the positive side.

    I suspect the problem is they can't say much as they will be drawn into a discussion into things which they really shouldn't be talking about...

    So we should word our questions carefully, such that they can say yes/no and then maybe then we can get some answers :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Kris - Cyrene

    Kris - Cyrene El Gato Blanco

    Hey guys!

    I really love to have interaction with the players, and I'm pretty active over on the Cyrene Forums , I do my best and try to answer questions as I can.

    I'm going to answer George's questions here (with one amendment):

    1) Has there been a reduction of staff working on Cyrene in the past months? No
    2) Are you expecting an update for Cyrene along with the other Planet Partners? Yes
    3) Are you expecting to increase staff working on Cyrene anytime from June-December 2013? Yes (I'm hoping for a shrink, or some sort therapist, =p)

    I want to mention that these answers are simple and don't reflect everything that is happening with Cyrene, and I would like to assure everyone that Cyrene is not dead =) and we are working with closely with MindArk towards creating a really solid Planet.

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  12. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Master Of Entropia

    Good to hear that and gl with development.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  13. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Explorer

    Very nice answers Kris. Thanks for taking time for answering. So my theory was incorrect, interesting...
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  14. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Good answers I'd say. I think that is all we were really asking, a sort of "Hello? is there anyone home?" so to speak. Intersting about the recruitment.. or is it really just a shrink that's needed ;)

    I like "working closely with MA" I hope that means Cyrene are helping to develop the features needed for the planet

  15. Kris - Cyrene

    Kris - Cyrene El Gato Blanco

    Oh Wistrel! I have something to show you:
    Sorry for the low quality ><

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  16. Nice pic Kris where can I get those clothes.

  17. *coughs* hangars *coughs* :)
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  18. The reason I posted here instead of in the Cyrene forum was that I did not wanted to have a "negative" post directly in your forum, it would look a bit bad for potential Cyrene players reading it.

    "no reductions in the past months" ... Well, that don't say much when the hard launch is a year late.....So any reductions since about 1,5 years?

    It's hard for me to believe you didn't hit some kind of hurdle when the hard launch have gotten delayed for so long.
  19. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun Lootius bless you all!

    Hi everyone - great to see Kris replied here. And sorry for not seeing it, but I am much more active on Cyrene forum than here too - and have been 'on-off' for a few - but as Kris said; Cyrene is definitely not dead =)

    About hard launch; we apologize for not 'getting there' yet - but as the planet developed we found that fixing issues on what we released was much more important than rushing through a hard launch. That doesn't mean, that we forgot about hard launch; just that we have been focusing on planet structure/features, bugs, players opinions and wishes first - and as Kris mentioned, we are working intenesly with MindArk to create a great planet =)
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  20. Wistrel

    Wistrel Kick Ass Elf

    Snazzy! Thanks :)
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