Ok here it goes :read: Planet arkadia are communicating with the player base with new content and teasers and talking with the player base and regular story line updates and the planet has not been released yet months away infact and already looking forward to the planet On the other hand Where is Mr Neverdie he has not posted here for a while no talks with the player base or nothing. We dont have any information on time travel or new items upcoming for next island i understand neverdie studios must be busy and not have much time but a quick message on here would help us all a lot im not biteing at their team im just stating a fact.could any neverdie studio team update us on next island with a story or a content teaser or some thing to keep us motivated becuse im losing faith, The boars and pappoos hit me loads of times my evade is level 18 and on calyspo animals thay dont hit me has much as thay do here so i think thats bugged sorry for that bit but had to be said rocktropia has been online for a while now and no bluprints in circulation i have only been when it first came online the neverdie faps ive only seen a few every so often i would visit rocktropia again when their is more content or blue prints going round and round. Also the trade pappo and trade terminals the things from calyspo are their like the opalo and the basic fap well can planets have and make their own basic trade terminal stuff for the new players that arive eg: like the rookie gear thats only bought on calypso can other planets add their own stuff to trade terminal and make it a planet type trade terminal thing with basic new player content would like to hear how next island is developing and would like a teaser to keep me motivated
Well Neverdie isn't in charge of Next Island, just 3d development so that might be why we don't hear from him. We do hear a lot more then Calypso does at least :) Although more communication is always better :)
While I agree that I would like more community interaction from the Devs, I think that Meg has been as active or more active here than anyone from fpc/see on the pcf forums. There are some Rocktropia prints in circulation now too, and they are still dropping. I got another 104clicks worth of dragon armor plate blueprints in 3 drops during a 750 click run today so they are still dropping. Arkadia is doing an amazing job at interacting and hyping their coming planet, but until it actually arrives it will be hard to compare them with any existing planet. We dont know if they will have the same issues with MA getting stuff implemented and released as Rocktropia and Next Island has. For now I am giving them the benefit of the doubt and think that both NI and rocktropia have a lot of potential. I just hope the kinks get worked out before you guys all give up :/ narfi
arkadia isn't live, so it's easy for them to say things. jon (neverdie) said lots of stuff before he was responsible for schedules. so, for now, wait and see what happens. for next island, mr. post is the ultimate responsibility. I don't believe he wishes to see his business lost in a quagmire. I wouldn't.
I just came here from calypso and from what I see it has potential, but it wasen't worth the 40 ped I spent to get here. To many in game errors, plus this place is empty where are all the peps. Why is it that we have to pay a shipping fee to buy something at auction. That's B.S.
well, there are no people because there is nothing to do here. you cant sell the hunting loot (crystals and animal parts) and its hard to sell your mining loot since there are hardly any people here to buy it... when blueprints come out and they actually fix their missions instead of just replacing them with even more bugged missions people will come and stay. but i dont know if i should advice you to stay or leave, the blueprints are over a month delayed and the last 3 VUs pretty much gave me nothing what so ever, so now i dont log on anymore, atleast not for more than 5 minutes, then i'm reminded why i am not playing anymore... it has potentials, yes, and it will be great - eventually, but for now NI is just a HUGE ped drain
Those of us who have been in Entropia for years are used to overinflated and broken promises, I think we all hoped to see something other than mini MA clones in the new planet partners, but only time will tell if they are or aren't just that, and that will be for each individual to judge for themselves. Hype is great, hype is fun, but I remember the old story about the boy who cried wolf every time I read a new tweet or blurb or review now, wondering when if ever it will actually change for the better in our universe, and which planet partner will be the one to break the MA mold. I feel I did my share of 'pioneering' and trying to help NI get a kick start, first of all by moving there on day one and making it my 'home' base. I even feel I did my share to try to get forum activity up (even when it seemed the PP didn't really care or notice it at all) once the planet was actually a reality rather than a 'plan'. (Support is important pre live yes, but being on the ground and active once it is live is what makes it work or not work, only writing posts/articles on forums means jack shit if you aren't in the game killing mobs, exploring, testing stuff out, spending ped etc etc etc imho, so as much as I look forward to Arkadia, I agree with what Red said above, easy to say anything pre lauch, but the proof is in the pudding). MA used to tell us that this 'is not a game' very pointedly, but the game/enjoyment factor must be there for gamers to log in, and at the moment, on NI, I log in to peek around on VU day and be dissappointed again, or pop in to craft a little, and log out, simply because the things promised on NI that I looked so forward to have not materialized (time travel that no one needs a PHD to figure out if it is even implemented, let alone how to use or obtain needed items once it is). It is pretty clear at this point that having the dev being actively on the ground with us, interested, interacting, and personally both dedicated and involved in the project when it was still beta and described as such, was something we lost very early on for reasons none of us had any control over, and there has been nothing else since to give us that spark, to help us hold onto faith that MA will sooner rather than later implement the things this planet promised to it's users, or to assure us the PP cared at all about what happened with the world, with us. Credit where credit is due, the last few weeks have brought renewed activity and efforts from Meg and Enzo, and I thank them for that, I sincerely hope it hasn't been too little too late for most of the 'pioneers', whether they were EU old timers or fresh OJ lured in by the hype, at least we tried and were there. Sorry Corey, I know sometimes truth is not the most 'positive attitude', but personally I'd rather have truth than hype alone. See you ingame :)
I completely understand your frustrations, I can't wait to introduce our unique blueprints, and time travel, and new adventures, and all the other awesome things we have in the works for NI! You KNOW that as soon as I'm able to share news about new content, I'll share it with you guys!
How about a timeline, "you can expect this in a month" "we hope to have it operational by summer" or maybe that isn't a good idea, cause if it doesn't happen I think they still have the tar and feathers waiting. LOL! Even though it would be nice to get some info :)