We are in something like a feature rush. Most of the featured are added without explaining them explicitely. Maybe that should be changed. A probably more elaborated "how to" of this feature will appear there: http://www.entropiaplanets.com/wiki/Help:Personal_Sidebar_Links It is possible for every user to add personal links to the sidebar. These will appear just below the "Sign up/Login" link To create a personal sidebar block please create a subpage of your userpage like this: User:Username/Sidebar Example: User:Tass/Sidebar To add blocks and links please proceed as follows: * Blockname ** Pagename|name to appear in the sidebar Example: * My stuff ** Calypso Land Deeds Revenues|CLD charts ** Planet ROCKtropia Teleporters|RT TPs ** Entropia Universe Guide|Guide ** User_talk:Tass|Bugging Tass Some inspiration can be found on the original sidebar page: http://www.entropiaplanets.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Sidebar If you have blocks with links you want to share just post them in this thread or add them to the wiki: http://www.entropiaplanets.com/wiki/Help:Personal_Sidebar_Links If you have questions or suggestions how to improve this feature (or other features) please post.