Wiki Report June 2013

Discussion in 'EntropiaPlanets Wiki' started by Tass, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Tass

    Tass Administrator

    This report comes late. Mainly because EP's core team is very busy in other sections of EP (some things in the pipe ;) ) and little has been done on the wiki. Although, there is one rather big change: you can now edit without having an EP account, but an account of course adds features like overview of all your edits, file uploads, notices, watchlist, skin customization, personal sidebar, continuous edit count, etc etc etc

    However, wiki is under continuous development. Improvements are implemented on almost daily basis.

    The idea is to release a monthly report highlighting a few developments of the past month. The past reports can be found there:
    A general outline can be found there: EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Past, Present, Future

    This is the June 2013 Report.

    • Total of pageviews by the end of June: ~8,515,000
    • Average of pageviews/day: ~13,700
    • Number of pages showing their contributors has exceeded 2,000 in June.
    • Number of files (images, PDFs) exceeded 6,000 in June.
    • BIGGEST thing in June: test phase for anonymous editing started, which means you can edit without having an EntropiaPlanets account.
    • small tweaks to the skin
    • further changes to the backend for easier handling of updates
    • guide added:
    • first preparations for bigger features to come (maybe in September/Oktober)
    Of course much more has happened on the wiki in June.

    Any questions, suggestions, criticism welcome! Really, any kind of
    F E E D B A C K would be great.

    Share the wiki pages, join the projects, try editing with the new forms, stay tuned, there's new stuff in pipe. :)
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