wiki: Rocktropia Land Area Markers

Discussion in 'EntropiaPlanets Wiki' started by narfi, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. narfi

    narfi Lost

    The land area markers work differently on rocktropia than I am used to. It appears that each "group" of land areas has a single control marker. For instance the LA Marker/event creation point for all of the Lemmy land areas is at the Lemmy's Castle TP.

    I think it would be a good idea to add LA Marker to the grid of terminals etc that could be located at each tp. I dont know enough about the system to add a column to the chart, but once thats there I'm pretty sure I could figure out how to mark of which ones have the marker at them. Im guessing there are 3-4 total markers on Rocktropia, but I'm not sure.


  2. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Hey Narfi :) thanks for the idea.

    It could be shown on the map, sure (I can't do that, but our Wiki Guru Tass can ;) ) - but if you notice in the wiki - if you click on a TP from ROCKtropia, you find info about Land Area. The marker is connected to the Land Areas, if there's a Landarea its an area which is possible to sell or possible to make an event on (It's my impression, that there's a lot of small events being held on RT).

    So, that's one way to tell :) (I didn't update all the LA though ... some might still have an "-" even though they are LA's - I believe there are more than 4 places on RT with a Land Marker, but I will check that).
  3. narfi

    narfi Lost

    I think I didnt explain myself very well, sorry :/

    Using the Lemmy example:

    There are 7 land areas in the lemmy "group" of land areas, these are individual land areas with the possibility of different tax rates and separate events on each.

    There is only 1 controlling marker for all 7 of these areas though, and that is located at "Lemmy's Castle" TP. It has a drop down menu to select which of the areas you want to view.

    On calypso even on treasure island the only "group" of la's i know about there each land area has its own unique marker which is not the case here.

    The reason I am guessing 3-4 markers on rocktropia is because there seems to be that many "groups" of land areas. (Lemmys, Motorhead, Cathedral & BAMF) I could be wrong but that is how it appears to me.

    thanks :)

  4. Lykke TheNun

    Lykke TheNun In Loot We Trust

    Alright :) didn't know that - I will look into it and see how it works. I've seen some LA's around but didn't pay notice where tbh!

    Thanks back :)
  5. narfi

    narfi Lost

    You can see the Cathedral marker from the Vamp Back Garden TP.

    Edit: you cant create events there though :/
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