Yet Another Skill Implant Question -- Sorry!

Discussion in 'Professions and Skills' started by Yirrk, Oct 24, 2006.

  1. Yirrk

    Yirrk Who Speaks for the Earth?

    Ok, ok, I'm thinking about getting skill implants! :roll:

    So my next question is this:

    Does getting implants have any negative effects? Like on what you will loot or how much (meaning Globalling or HOFing), or interfere with your gaining more of the "chipped" skills naturally or other skills that you might gain naturally?

    Will implanted skills get other skills unlocked sooner, or retard the process?

    Do a lot of the inhabitants Implant?

    Are the big Uber guys heavy on the Implants (Ha, kinda like Steroid use in athletes!)?

    I've read a little on the forums about implanting skills and it appears some people view heavy Implanters with distain...or so it seems. Maybe it's jealousy?

    LOL maybe it's like the girls with natural "endowment" are jealous of the busty, top-heavy Silicon-babe they see at the mall..."Wow! look at those skills!" Ah, but are they real?

    (For you Seinfeld fans> "...Oh, by the way: They're real - and they're spectacular!!")

    Anyway, Thanks for any advice or insight you can share about the issue. Sorry about all the questions. I don't want to waste time and Peds on something not worth it. :coffee:

  2. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Implants. WooHoo just a great excuse to post a pic. :hehe:

    Attached Files:

  3. Nice pic Burgerman :)

    But where do you think is an implant there ? please begin from the top :Nurse:
  4. For the first questions :

    the main problem when chipping is in my opinion, that you have to chip more than one skill to reflect the same growing like the natural way.
    You cannot chip the basic skills like agility and intelligence.

    I have not heared about negative side effects, but that mean nothing :)

    They speed up the unlocking of hidden skills (logical).

    Some Big ubers have used implants others not :pulp:
  5. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    Stratos - I think they implanted the head of a pig onto that woman's shoulders. :hehe:

    Yirrk, if you look at some implant chips in the auction, and right click the chip to view info, it shows your current skill and also your new skill level if you implanted.
    Also beware that a full chip has a TT value of 99 pecs, but some ppl sell partial chips with less TT value, and therefore less skills implanted.

    Also an interesting aspect is that at the beginning, if you implant a full 99pec chip, your skill will rise almost 1900 levels. But if you add another chip ( or already have 1900 skill ) the next chip adds less levels. By the time you get to 4000 skill, a full chip only adds about 300. So if you choose to chip implants, perhaps the best time is at the start, to get the maximum skill boost.

    Also if you had 4000+ skill, and wanted to sell skills, you only lose about 300 of your skills to fill a chip, which a newbie could use to gain about 1900 skill. Interesting. :pulp:

    And this smilie is for no other reason than I think he is cute.
  6. Burgerman

    Burgerman Cleaner

    B u m p

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