Youtube has a function for logged in people showing "clips you may like" if you have checked out related videos for a tv show,game etc. Normally,when it comes to games it is something cool like nice explosions in Crysis or a cat killing session in Postal 2 but...this is what I got instead and it was abit...special > > > > She (?) also does creatures with penises in Spore. Check them out by going to her profile. Great to see a talented person in EU!
Terri, so funeh how you mannaged to capture knucks attention. He seems smitten LOL. BTW you are very special girl:)
I don't like the singing, but I like the creatures :). Why didn't you send this in for the new creature contest last year? lol :)
OMG you used my name, if you weren't in my clan I would bite you Yeah looks like I have a secret admirer, well its not a secret now.......LOL BTW the singing was done for laughs, I never claim to be good. LOL for that matter, I suck!! ;) And i didn't enter the Penisarus because we already have the Boorum :) LOL I just noticed my admirer is BANNED
yep, seems to happen a lot with him these days, sadly we miss the entertaining reasons for it :( Ahem, Softheart, you may bite me anyday with em voluptious lips O yours :) just dont drain all the blood cos u would wanna come back for a sweet Tasty feeding:):):)