Zychion Battle Series

Discussion in 'Entropia Events' started by Larkin, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire



    It's time to prove your skills in an epic series of PVP battle royales! Show the world your talent in a massive free for all at Zychion Citadel!

    Time and Date: Every Saturday at 22:00 MA time.
    Location: Zychion Citadel
    Ticket Price: 10 PED

    ** To clarify: 10 PED is the ticket price. Every week there will be a new event. To be entered in the Zychion Battle Series all you need to do is buy a ticket to enter the event in game. Everything will be tracked and recorded by Simon and I for monthly prizes.**

    For all the latest information and updates on this event series, click here!
  2. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Reserved for later use.
  3. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Reserved for later use..
  4. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Reserved for later use...
  5. Neuromancer

    Neuromancer Brainstormers Official Brain Glue

    Wtg Larkin. It is great to see a soc member sponsoring such a cool event.
  6. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Thank you Dave! Hopefully this event takes off! At least I'll be able to get some good footage for some more commentaries :)

    On another note, one issue was raised by GeorgeSkywalker. As of this moment, the extra points from killing sprees will have to be taken out until further notice (or until we figure something out to replace it). This is due to the fact that some people could cheat by obtaining 30 kills from buddies before the event, then dying once the event starts to get bonus points.

    I thank him for bringing this to my attention.
  7. Neuromancer

    Neuromancer Brainstormers Official Brain Glue

    All participants must be killed before the event by an event official, or entry is not permitted. This might clear the killing spree log - and give the event official an uber killing spree HOF
  8. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Yeah, I had thought of doing this. I don't know how feasible it would be if there were 30+ people I had to kill before the event would start :/

    I'm still trying to think of what to do about it :)
  9. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Bump for the Battle Series!
  10. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    A monthly prize has been added! The more people that join, the higher the prize at the end of the month!
  11. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    The event is up on EU! Get ready for the 15th!
  12. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Event bump :)
  13. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Battle Series Bump!
  14. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    It's almost here!
  15. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Bump. It's almost here!
  16. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Tomorrow's the day!
  17. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Today's the day folks! Get ready for the ZCBS! Less than 2 hours to go!
  18. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    The event was a success! Thank you everyone, and see you next week! Check the OP for information and updates.

    Here's a video from the first event!

  19. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Less than 2 hours remaining! Sign up now :)
  20. Larkin

    Larkin Entropian Cinematographer Extraordinaire

    Simon and I have been working hard to make the Zychion Battle Series the premier Entropia PVP event series. We bring you 4 exciting announcements down below.


    Zychion Battle Series

    We have launched our very own webpage, created by Simon Szentes! Zychion Battle Series will bring you all the updates of everything happening with the Zychion Battle Series. Check it out today!

    ZCBS Sponsorship Program
    If you are looking to get your service more known in Entropia, we are offering advertisement space on our website as well as in our threads on PCF. Just send us a PM and we will be more than welcome to discuss your options.

    ZCBS Referral Program
    Do you want to join the Zychion Battle Series for free? Bring 5 friends to sign up for the series (and then have your friends and yourself notify Simon or I), and we will refund the price of your ticket!

    Themed March Madness!
    Starting in March, we will be doing a month of themed PVP events at Zychion Citadel for the Battle Series! Here is the schedule:

    Week 1: Melee Only
    Week 2: Mindforce Only
    Week 3: Taking all suggestions! You tell us!
    Week 4: Taking all suggestions! You tell us!

    Thank you everyone for the support so far. We hope to continue the ZCBS for many months to come!
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