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Second Nextisland Outback Race
01 October 2011 18:00 EUT
- A water race.
- Time: 18:00 EUT
- Organized by Corey Greyfox Griffith
- 100 PED
- 60 PED
- 40 PED
- Around 35 Agility cap
- Registering on forum is NOT required this time
- Looking for five racers again, a couple of extra boats available just incase too many show up
- Sponsors will be allowed to race with their own vehicles, but not for a prize.
- And if for some reason you jump out of your boat and get eaten by a shark, you are out of the race, so please, keep your arms inside the boat at all time
- Gretchen
- Cazy Tylor
- Mark

From left to right: Cazy Tylor (2nd), Gretchen, (1st) Mark (3rd)