EntropiaPlanets.com - Entropia Universe forum, news, wiki, media, tools

News, forum, wiki, guides & tools for Planet Calypso, ROCKtropia, Next Island, Planet Arkadia, Planet Cyrene, Planet Toulan & Monria in MA's Entropia Universe.


  • Universal ammo can no longer be discarded in the Trade Terminal.

Bug Fixes

  • An issue preventing the rejoining of instance areas in some situations after a client crash has been corrected.
  • An issue causing ambient occlusion (SSAO) to render a halo around objects has been corrected.
  • An issue preventing The Entropian issues 2-4 from being placeable in estates has been corrected.
Entropia Support News: Longtooth performance test event
During the last Longtooth event two weeks ago we gathered a lot of information that has shown truly helpfull in analyzing bottlenecks and performance issues inside Entropia.

In order to further investigate some of the bottlenecks in the system we have installed additional log and measurement...
Today a team on ROCKtropia got 200,000 PED loot from Zombie Kong. Here's the original global message:

[Globals]: Team "(Shared Loot)" killed a creature (Zombie Kong) with a value of 200344 PED! A record has been added to the Hall of Fame ALL TIME HIGH. Congratulations!​


You don't know Zombie Kong? Here's a report about one of the early kills of Zombie Kong, when he spawned after 100+ increasingly tough waves of Zombies:

And the video complementing the old article:
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