Difference between revisions of "Weapon:Herman ASI-10 (L)"

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[[Category:Arkadia Limited Weapon Museum Collection]]

Latest revision as of 16:30, 5 September 2011

Name Herman ASI-10 (L)
TT Value 5
Markup ?
Condition Limit 3.0
Weight 1.0
Prof. requirement damage Ranged BLP (Dmg)
Level 0.0
Prof. requirement hit BLP Pistoleer (Hit)
Level 0.0
SIB Damage Yes
SIB Hit Yes
Category BLP
Ammo type Light BLP Pack
Ammo burn 185
Durability Excellent
Attacks per minute 48
Damage type Penetration
Amount 6.0
Damage type Impact
Amount 2.0
Damage interval 4.0-8.0
Range 30.0


Name explanation[edit]


Scanner Images[edit]

File:Iteminfo Herman ASI-10 (L) 01.jpg File:Iteminfo Herman ASI-10 (L) 02.jpg File:Iteminfo Herman ASI-10 (L) 03.jpg File:Iteminfo Herman ASI-10 (L) 04.jpg File:Iteminfo Herman ASI-10 (L) 05.jpg