Next Island Creatures

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  • Click the "Browse ... Teleporters link in the bar above for additional information and options
  • There might be links leading to further information at the bottom of the page
  • Check out the forums: EntropiaPlanets Forums

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  4. Click the "Save page" button
  5. Optional: Add additional data in each section of the TP page by clicking the Edit link of the according section

Editing a Teleporter (Infobox data)

  1. 3 Options:
    - Click the the Edit Pencil in the last column of the table
    - Click the name of the Teleporter, then on the TP page click the "Edit with form" tab
    - Enter the name of the TP in the field above, click the "Add/Edit Teleporter" button
  2. Enter data in the fields of the form
  3. Click the "Save page" button

Editing a Teleporter (Page sections)

  1. Click the name of the Teleporter
  2. On the Teleporter page click the Edit link of the according section
  3. Click the "Save page" button

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AchelousAncient GreeceAnimalRunningCloseMediumNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Arges CyclopsAncient GreeceHumanoidRunningCloseMediumNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
AsterionAncient GreeceAnimalRunningCloseLowNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Avatar of ForceAncient GreeceAnimalFlyingRangedMediumNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Avatar of WarAncient GreeceHumanoidRunningCloseHighNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Brontes CyclopsAncient GreeceHumanoidRunningCloseMediumNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Brown PapooNext IslandAnimalRunningCloseLowNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Buccaneer SkeletonNext IslandSkeletonRunningCloseLowNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Buka BirdNext IslandBirdFlyingCloseNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
BullmanAncient GreeceAnimalRunningCloseLowNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
ChimeraNext IslandAnimalRunningCloseNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
CyclopsAncient GreeceHumanoidRunningCloseMediumNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Death DrakeNext IslandAnimal00000001000FlyingRangedNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Deep Ocean King SharkNext IslandAnimalSwimmingCloseNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Drake KingNext IslandAnimalFlyingRangedNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Female ScreecherNext IslandBirdRunningCloseNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Fire DrakeNext IslandAnimal¦class=fa fa-pencil
Great White SharkNext IslandAnimal333333000000SwimmingCloseNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Grey PapooNext IslandAnimalRunningCloseNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Guardian of DeathAncient GreeceRobotRunningCloseMediumNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Guardian of DespairAncient GreeceHumanoidRunningCloseMediumNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Guardian of FearAncient GreeceAnimalRunningCloseHighNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Guardian of WarAncient GreeceHumanoidRunningCloseMediumNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Ice DrakeNext IslandAnimalFlyingRangedNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Island SharkNext IslandAnimal¦class=fa fa-pencil
Male ScreecherNext IslandBirdRunningCloseNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
MinotaurAncient GreeceAnimalRunningCloseLowNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Mountain BoarNext IslandAnimalNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Mutant BoarNext IslandAnimalRunningClose20HighNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Pirate SkeletonNext IslandSkeleton333333000000RunningCloseNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Red PapooNext IslandAnimalRunningCloseNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
SharkNext IslandAnimal333333000000SwimmingCloseNoNo¦class=fa fa-pencil
Snow DrakeNext IslandAnimal00000010000FlyingRangedNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Steropes CyclopsAncient GreeceHumanoidRunningCloseMediumNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Storm DrakeNext IslandAnimal00000000100FlyingRangedNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Village BoarNext IslandAnimalRunningClose20NoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Vulcan DrakeNext IslandAnimal00000100000FlyingRangedNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Wild BoarNext IslandAnimalRunningCloseNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil
Yellow PapooNext IslandAnimalRunningCloseMediumNoYes¦class=fa fa-pencil